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look well

Meaning someone looks awful

Have you seen the Sharon? She looks well.

I look well.

Are you really wearing that? You look well

by WiganKeyboardWarrior May 26, 2020

The well's run dry

A situation in a conversation when both participants have exhausted their ideas, topics, or enthusiasm, leading to an awkward or unproductive silence. This often happens with family members, friends, and god forbid, parents.

Sam: Hey what's good Amy?
Amy: Nothing much..just chilling shit like that
Sam: Oh..cool. Uhh, what do you do for uhmm..uhh
Amy: Sam..are you having a stroke again?
Sam: Shut the fuck up Amy, The well's run dry again

by Nomadisense October 24, 2023

Well You See Here

A phrase used by idiots trying to sound sophisticated. People who use this phrase usually like to suck on penis.

Thomas: Hey how are you
Tyee: Well you see here i will suck your dick
Thomas: ok

by lilnigwwd April 4, 2024

Oliver Wells

A person who forgets about his friends he knew for 7 years, and only spends 12 days of the year speaking to them

"Oliver Wells" looks like a nice guy, but i won't trust him to be my friend

by MAYBE LB DID IT July 21, 2020

Roman wishing well

When she is puking into the toilet and you are doing her doggie style.

Me and Brenda went drinking last night and this morning I got a roman wishing well.

by Miss Demeanor December 16, 2023

well painted

A term used ironically to describe the artistic skill of blind, fingerless miniature war gamers on ebay with no perspective at all.

For Sale!10 Imperial Guard Cadians well painted £25 ONLY!!

Included in this auction are my favourite 10 figures that I painted when I was six, I think they are well painted because despite the extensive amount of time I have spent looking at other peoples models in games, in magazines and on the FUCKING BOX; I think I have achieved the same results by placing the brush between my butt cheeks and squatting over the model whilst doing the birdie dance. Clearly the talent I had as a child has added to the value of these lumps of plastic so I will increase from the price of brand new miniatures to compensate myself for departing with these veritable mona lisas.

by Rahmich May 25, 2014

Well dip my dick in a cup of hot water!

A huge win.

"Well dip my dick in a cup of hot water!, I haven't see you in years!"

by mattwinwood March 11, 2023