Source Code

roll backwards

Means to make a blunt

Get you a get that can roll backwards

by Imslaying March 10, 2017

Bakerloo Roll

Bakerloo Roll meaning B roll/cinematics used for intercutting between shots in film and media.

Oh that’s some nice Bakerloo Roll that!’

by Mattyzack August 10, 2019

Anger roll

The tendency for MDMA to induce, not euphoria, but anger.

When you feel so violent, violent fuckin' with that ecstasy

Popped a bean now I'm anger rollin'. Let go shoot out the window at some opps.

by Real niggas don't cry November 7, 2019

Pepperoni Roll

A food invented by an Italian cook in West Virginia so coal miners could have an easier meal down in the dirt.

“ The only food I’ll ever touch in school are their pepperoni rolls

by WVKid August 3, 2020

goo roll

When you drop the toilet (loo) roll down the toilet normally by accident and when you fish it back out its all soggy and never returns to its original state no matter how dry it gets. Hence goo roll.

Husband: I'm just going to get some loo roll
Wife: What! I only just bought some today
Husband: Yeah sorry thats goo roll now

by wildturkey69 October 20, 2009


When someone is disgusted or annoyed with a corny joke or something all around stupid, the person who was troubled by this makes a general movement that resembles an eye roll, and sighs simultaneously, this happens all the time, especially with little kids' parents or people that are generally obnoxious. Pronounced as though saying sigh and eye as one word, said with a flow.

Dude, you just sigheye-rolled Johnny, he was being pretty annoying when he was talking about that girl he totally made up, so i guess its understandable.

by wise wanderer March 31, 2010

vag roll

when a female is so fat that you can't tell where the stomach ends and where the vagina starts

Dude that chicks so fat you could see her vag roll

by pegasuskv March 3, 2010