A great teacher who can be tough sometimes. His class is a perfect mix of fun and productive.
Why can’t you be more like Rabbi E
retarded music nerds' way to say "f" to pay respects
guy: my dog died
retarded band guy: e sharp
Similar to the word homie. ome is emo spelled backwards, so your ome-e would be your emo homie.
My best friend is such a fucking whiner. I think he went from being my homie to being my ome-e.
Being a personality that is attractive to others who converse with said personality through chat.
Tim found the person in his favorite mIRC channel e-tractive
because they exhibited a great deal of interst in him. He felt spwcial to be picked from such a large group. The new perspn's e-tractiveness was impossible to ignore.
getting to know someone you've "met" online, often as a precursor to actually meeting.
Before we make plans to meet, may we text first and get e-quainted? - OR - I'm glad you saw me online and said hi, Josh - it's nice to make your e-quaintance!
Acting like a redneck on the internet by threating with a shotgun, or acting hypocritical on purpose while in most cases you are a regular person on the internet, not a redneck.
I'm gonna threated ppl in my MMOs with a shotgun
Dude your a nerd, stop E-Necking
Let's go E-neck this forum
good idea