when a bich gets bored or is being a bich so they cba to txt back and if they do they normally say yh ok alr and mk stay away from these ppl or the best option blow up there house
opened is a snapchat thing where the other person dosent txt back
Two partners start kissing one another with their eyes open and who ever closes their eyes or laughes looses.
Me and my boyfriend played eyes wide open last night and I won!
Something AJ doesn't need to do.
Fuck you snail, I'm not going to bust open
A mod for Team Fortress 2 that adds a new deathmatch gamemode and a new class: The Mercenary.
My favourite TF2 mod is Open Fortress
The simple practice of the art of necrophilia with your bestest of friends. Typically performed in a Catholic Cemetery between the hours of 1am to 3am.
Hey Juan,
Wanna go crack open a cold one with the boys down at the cemetery on Garfield Street?
It's actual impossible to get kicked out. Love yah from moon to sun to midway to center of earth to grand design.
Open 25/7 not 6/7 when u accomplish what you came to do 💯