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internet cool

Someone who is internet is far from cool in real life. And I don't mean that they are nerds that people have actually heard of I mean those inbetween kids that you see in the hall and wonder if they're new, when you've seen them before and have went to school with them for 5 years. They go into chatrooms with retardly random names that are nothing like their real names to trick people into thinking they are clever. They make lots of e-friends by seeming to be nice/normal at first but then use the power of their internet popularity to be a total dick. Most people stick by the internet cool person to appear internet cool aswell. The internet cool person then becomes a total smartass to everyone and they all make internet inside jokes and get on the computer whenever they can.
They mostly always say things like:
Ohai, Lulz, Bai, Kthxbai, Guise, etc.

internet cool person: ohaiguise.
normal person: wtf.

by fgtftw September 12, 2008

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Internet Lesbian

A straight hot woman willing to do girl on girl sex for a chance to become famous in the internet porn world.

I wouldn't mind taking a shot at that Internet Lesbian and testing her true sexual identity.

by Jayophonic May 8, 2009

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internet explorer

A browser that comes standard with Windows. It was once one of the best, but has since become outdated and susceptible to Spyware and viruses. The worst thing about it is that it can't really be removed from Windows, especially since some sites only work with IE.

I started Internet Explorer and started cursing at the flood of pop-ups.

by El Singario September 22, 2005

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Internet Model

Chickenheads who either pay some douche bag to take half naked pictures of themselves or take them with their cell phones in a mirror and Photoshop them. These internet skanks then proceed to post them on social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace and claim to be models.

"why are you half naked in your Facebook pictures and why are they all touched up?"

"oh, i'm a model"

"have you ever even beed paid to model"

"no, i'm a internet model yet to be discovered"

"so basically your a online whore?"

by samdirtystayout January 24, 2010

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Internet Troll

Someone who is really hard to talk with, because of his/her intention to annoy others in the internet.
Usually found in large forums or mailing lists.
Best to stay away from them.

Guy one : "Facebook will be closed."
Guy two : " . . . and so will my life :("
Internet Troll : "You're a bunch of basement dwellers, go
fuck yourselves. HELL YEAH FACEBOOK WILL BE DEAD ! "
Guy one : "Mod, pls . . . "

10 Minutes later, on the Troll's screen ;)

Why you're there anyway ? :/


by Emil-sama January 12, 2011

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internet expert

A form of armchair expert who gains all their knowledge from the internet and then enlightens others on social media. The accuracy of their source information may be suspect, their analysis and conclusions are likely flawed, but they will shout down anyone who dares to challenge their expertise in the field.

In an online discussion of tractors on a newspaper website I posted that a problem with modern tractors was that a fault with the electronics could stop them dead and require a technician with a laptop to fix. An Internet Expert informed me that it was always possible for a modern tractor to "limp home" however bad the failure "in his experience".

I pointed out that I was a farmer and that for example on a Massey 5465 with Dyna 4 the gear selection is electronic, the rear hydraulics are electronic and a fault in either could strand a tractor in the middle of a field (no power or stuck anchored to the ground by a harrow or plough). The Internet Expert went very quiet!

by fubarderby October 14, 2014

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Internet Bitch

1: Noun: A female that is in a bad mood (or on her period) and therefore making tons of bitchy comments on statuses or links. This is usually regreted by her the next day, but can last for weeks at a time.

2: Noun: A person who makes an opinionated status, but later revises or revokes it alltogether because of another person's comments.

Example 1: Jane Doe Status: "Wow, I saw this girl at the mall today, and she should NOT have been wearing such a tight top... Just sayin..."
Internet Bitch: "Wow, that is so mean! How do you know she doesn't have a medical condition that makes her that way?? Geez! People like you are the reason young girls kill themselves!!!"
Other Person: "Wow, you're such an internet bitch."

Example 2: John Doe Status: "Hahaha, Dane Cook is soooo funny! I wanna buy his DVDs! LMAO!"
Jessica: "Are you serious? How old are you? He is such a gross pervert. You should grow up a little..."
John Doe: "Yeah, I guess you're right... I mean, I guess he's not THAT funny. I should just watch Jeff Dunham from now on."

by Miss Beena March 12, 2010

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