It’s a funny word cos all old guys pronounce it eye-talians
Fat ugly cunts who have hot mums. Their dads are also piss-weak faggots who are known to get absolutely tuned up by aboriginals dads.
Adam's an Italian cocksmoker
-Bro I heard she’s Italian
-No wonder she’s so fine, Ima ask her out soon.
Person who enjoys everything that can be enjoyed way too much while lacking any moral core values. They also love to compare themselves to ancient romans, but they are smaller, wider in size, hairyer and less disciplined.
Are you a bad father? In Italy you're a hard working man too busy for family.
Betrayed your partner? In Italy, you're a romantic person falling for beauty.
You're a thief? In Italy, you simply a man who finds many things.
Betraying your brothers in ww1 'cuz you don't know loyalty?
In italy, you're a noble man.
Praising a fascist dictator taking over your country but not backing him up in the middle of a war 'cuz you got no balls?
No worries, in italy you're a simply a brave man fighting for freedom.
Getting pegged by greece in ww2, constantly needing german support?
Its okay, if you swich sides again to fall in your brothers back.
A): "Where you're from?"
B): "I'm italian!"
A): "Wow; I love ancient roman history! Bet you're good looking, fit, disciplined, loyal and romantic!"
B)"Umm... my mom makes great spaghetties!"
italians- a bunch of people who cheat at football/soccer 😩
“mate who cheated in the euros”
“man it was the italians who else would it be”
An Apple product disguising itself as a nationality inhabiting the country of iTaly, also an Apple-created fabrication. iTalians are really spaghetti-powered war machines programmed to kill anyone eating Hawaiian pizza on sight.
Benito Mussolini did not actually orchestrate any invasions. The iTalians had not been fully developed, and thus Mussolini was forced to make little people out of sticks.
Any one who has played at least 3 Mario games.
"Which Nintendo games have you played?"
'Oh, I'm Italian. I've played Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Kart, Super Mario Party..'