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Attention Mosh Pit

When with a group of 2 or more puppies, the event that occurs when they all vie for one's attention. When petting one dog, the other(s) climb on top of, nip, or otherwise hurt the first puppy, desperate for the attention of the person.

I was petting one of the puppies from Jade's litter when it turned in to an attention mosh pit - all the other puppies began fighting each other to be petted.

by I'm Really Not Okay July 2, 2011

pit the bitch

sticking your arm pit in a girls face.

when your wife or girl friend just lays there during sex. so you pin her down and put your arm pit in her face.

dude my wife just lays there during sex what should i do?

his buddy says pit the bitch.

by cokane_88 January 11, 2010

river pits

Extreme arm pit perspiration where even prescription deodorant and antiperspirant won't stop the relentless flow of sweat from pouring out, resembling a mighty river.

Person 1
"Oh my God! Look at his gigantic pit stains!" Did someone spray his under arms with a hose?"
Person 2
"No, he just has a bad case of river pits."

by Spencer-C9 January 6, 2008

In The Pit

When you realize that someone is jealous (he or/she) to the point its crazy, because you are and always were, cooler than them so they wanna destroy everything about you that they love so no one else will love you cuz they dont know how to love themselves.

Without knowing it you realize your walking on eggshells defending yourself about something you never did because the "pit person" knows they can never keep you they aren't cool enough to act right but you are like....omg I'm in the pit trying to explain how I'm real to the point I'm about to put the lotion on the skin and I don't even like this person or know how I got in the pit from silence of the lambs

"Tammy thought they could learn to love each other, but 12 years later she was like oh crap I'm in the pit with some jealous psycho gaslighting me" in the pit

by NuNuThang2259 September 15, 2023


A young good looking man with an big heart and born as a Leader.

SB: „Oh, he must be a Pit, he is such a good Leader

by Willma Eierkrauln November 23, 2021


This guy is most likely a virgin,he laughs all the time and at the most stupid things.He makes fun of everyone and he is the strongest in his friend group.His biggest insecurity is his dick,he has a pretty small dick but he clearly knows how to use it.

Oh man!I wish I had pit's body, he's very mascular.

by Qhhijhdgb November 20, 2021


pit is everything and nothing, everywhere and nowhere, Yin and Yang, pit is pit

That blank is pit

by Chav-monster April 2, 2022