When Someone Beats you 5-0 or more goals without them scoring showing complete humiliation on how bad they are at the game
I just Facebook statused John, He is terrible at Fifa.
A statue is which is most of the time made of stone. A frozen sculptured piece of stone, mainly to honor someone from a past life that has done something spectacular and helped the world in some way; important people, or icons that were greatly admired by people.
Person 1: Hey you see that statue it looks super familiar!
Person 2: Yeah that’s a past police officer remember he saved the kidnapped baby from out of the building.
How French Canadians say: "Is that you?"
*Answering phone...Hello Claude, statue?
Claude: "ya it's me."
What children hear the very first time you introduce them to the Statue of Liberty, mainly because they've never heard the word "liberty" before but know good things come from a FedEx delivery.
Mom: "What did you learn at school today, Sweetheart?"
Kindergardner: "George Washington, the American flag and The Statue of Delivery."