someone who enjoys to either dance or edit or many other things
hey have you seen KatRxsie's tiktok yet or Charli's? (two of these are tiktokers)
A Tiktoker is a person with very low intelligence skills. They are mostly just dumb people who where born after the year of 2000 (usually 14-19yo) who want to be pornstars but are still to young to do it without their parents getting angry.
I am a tiktoker and I am a famous internet person.
A mentally retarded sheeple subhuman filth who only uses shithole TikTok because it’s muh trendy.
These attention whoring worthless mongoloids do everything for views, even killing their disappointed parents and do whatever they see on Tiktok like eating tidepods.
Oh look another braindead TikToker who can’t can’t live a minute without posting some retarded shit for likes and views.
Idiots who attempt to commit suicide, break many laws, and "dance" to try and get people to give them worthless internet points.
"That idiot must be a Tiktoker, they're pointing a toy gun at a police officer!"
A TikToker is usually a female inbetween the ages of 9-18. They are usually attention seekers and are constantly acting depressed and sad for attention. They are also clout looters and will do anything for it. Their videos consist of slutty dances and cringe lip-sync. Their taste in music is also very bad. They infest TikTok and some of them are emigrating to other social media apps.
Emily: "omg im so sad and upset this boy rejected me im gonna shake my ass on tiktok because my followers will be nice"
Jake: "filthy tiktoker"
Stupid idiots who deserve to die in a ditch and burn in the deepest circle of hell
Tiktokers(noun) - ticktockers die and hell spit them out
A group of people with IQ below 0 (oftenly -3) which use idiocy and stupidity to make video on a horrid platform called tiktok which is no less than a platform plague by indecency and stupidity
Look,he/she is doing a weird dance on a camera he/she must be a TikTokers