High Point Regional High school is a small school located in Sussex NJ. The kids from Branchville, Frankford, Lafayette, Montague, Sussex, and Wantage all come here. The kids are either wanna be hicks, hood, or straight up faggots. White make up 98% of the school. Most kids act all hard and get in each others faces then when they fight it's usually either one kid beats the shit out of another or the most white kid fight possible. The girls here are nothing but ugly sluts and straight up skanky fucks. Multiple blow jobs are given by the art stair well every year by these whores. The seniors don't do shit because they all know that they are gonna live the high school life for two more years at SCCC the local community college which over 90% of the graduating class attends. The school is nicknamed High Joint because everyone is always high. Weed and nic is a religion at this dump. Kids either smoke in the parking lot before school or bring their shitty gas station carts from the local Delta into the bathroom and get high their. Another religion at this school is wrestling. Wrestling is a cult at this school and all the old men from the county love nothing more then to watch of a bunch of sweaty teenage boys grope each other on a Friday night. The rest of the sports teams no one gives a fuck about because they all the suck. The football team cant seem to find a head coach either. The last one was fired for threatening to kill a kid on the other team.
The kids only come to the games to either get high or get drunk in the parking lot. The cheerleaders all think that they are bad as fuck but in reality they are bunch of fat ugly sluts and have the same build as the lineman do. The schools biggest rival is Kittatinny which another high school that is a bunch of wanna be hicks. The administration seems to keep employing pedophiles as well. At least 1 teacher a year gets fired for molesting a kid. They seriously can't wait until they graduate? Multiple teachers fuck kids after they graduate here as well so it's normal at HP. As for the rest of the teachers over 95% of them already went to HP.Despite all this the worst part about the school is by far the special ed program. They seriously use these kids for manual labor. The worst part about all of it is that it is the only sped program left in the county. At the end of the year they get to perform on the stage and the whole school is forced to watch. The concert is nicknamed veggie tales. All the kids in he crowd just sit and laugh at the circus these kids put on.
Man High Point Regional High school sucks dick.
high in the hores is when someone gets too high
So when someone is smoking that good weed they got from this drug lord, named Ricky and they both were smoking it together right next to a horse the horse decides. Hey, you know what I’ll join in on their little sash so the horse takes a hit off that joint, and with the horse got too high he is high in the horse
I am greatly impressed by the excellent education as well as the students and teachers, and unlike most high schools students are more accepting towards their peers. Vernon Hills High School has an academic rating significantly above the average for Illinois high schools based in its high test performance, high graduation rate, and high AP course participation. I'm proud to be a Cougar.
!Go Cougars!
Vernon Hills High School Rocks!
much like high lowed, were the ball carrier in football is hit up high near his head or shoulders and is hit in the back of his legs at the same time. This is when the ball carrier is hit up high near his head and hit in the lower back near the kidneys at the same time.
"Did you see the game last night when devon hester was high middled on the kick return, it flipped him completly over. I surprised he walked away from that one!"
When an "original" and/or "seasoned" swamp donkey has reached a high level of experience, they graduate from intercourse with anyone for a hit to only sleeping with married men. Usually only their "friends" husbands making them a high class swampy
Did you hear about Dana? She got caught in bed with Jennifer's husband... again! Guess that means she's a high class swampy now
1. If you decide to throw away something that was mildly special to you at one point.
2. If the broncos score a touchdown.
1. I think it's time that we gave your old volcano science fair project the mile high salute.
2. TOUCHDOWN BRONCOS! Mile High Salute!
Smashing someone’s back with a sledgehammer until he/she screams as high as they can
He’s definitely going to hit the high note if he messes with my friends.