Any form of growling that sounds high-pitched.
The late Chuck Schuldiner (former frontman of one of the death metal pioneers Death) was known for usually using high-pitched growling in some of Death's music (this can be heard on Death's final album The Sound of Perseverance, especially on their cover of Judas Priest's Painkiller).
The brief reduction in speed before going through a speed camera.
Jimothy: "Sorry I'm late, I hit some High tech Speed Bumps on the way here"
smart asses with rich mommy and daddys and occasionally hang in HB or Irvine
"What high school do you go to?" "fountain valley high school" "Oh, your crazy smart" "No I'm not, I have one B.. my parents are gonna kill me"
Catholic school in Louisville Kentucky where Among Us porn is very common. They also like using a double sided dildo in the bathroom in between classes.
Oh you go Trinity High School. I knew you were a closeted gay!
a high school located in katy texas, or more notably, a shithole. go here if you want people to ridicule your perfectly average grades and if you want pedophiliac teachers harassing you. this school sucks ass, dont listen to the niche ratings or the "wow, seven lakes is a top tier school!". do NOT come here, because everyone is fake as shit and narcissistic.
class of 2026
boy: man im so glad i dont go to seven lakes high school.
girl: i know right? i think i'd kill myself if i went there.
The ultimate upittomy of scumbag faggot football players on the planet. There middle name is dirty while they suck off the referees. Stadium is total shit even with the jumbotron.
Dick, conceded douchbag players that finger themselves after each game. Stay away from this infested sack of dog shit school at all means.
Pueblo South High School football
Hey dude, gotta play Pueblo South tonight. You shitting me dude, are the Denver PD escorting you out of that shithole?
Pueblo South= Low life, scum sucking pieces of chewed up DOG SHIT!!!
The Royale High Official News Server is a server that lets you know about all the latest royale high news. It's owned by not_rat. (zack), butterscqtch (star), and the staff are bibivengenes, cryingcowboy, karomelle, lovely_coment, fl1ghtl3ssdr4g0n, orphe3us, radientredprincess3, st4arx.
It is one of the best servers to join if you want quick and fast news, kind and funny people to talk to, good farming advice, and an overall fun time!
'Yo, are you in the Royale High Official News Server?'
'Naw, I'm gonna join now!'