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'Y' is the 25th letter of the English alphabets..

Y, makes two individuals into one..

Just like two bodies shares one heart/soul..

The shape of the letter 'Y' is as if two different bodies have merged into one...

Our relationship is just like the letter 'Y' .. that's why I love that letter so much..😊

by Tylerhero1543. November 20, 2021


This rare phenomenon occurs when a computer user wants to go to YouTube, but instead, the computer does not autocorrect to YouTube.com and gives the search result of a song.

Person: I wanna watch some YouTube.
(types y and hits enter)
(is enraged by the fact not on YouTube)

by helloipostthingsonurbandiction November 2, 2021


you dumb fuckkkk its a letter in the alhabet


by urban cum stain December 13, 2018



y you bully me

by futhkuthfdyghggfryhggfrtgfbfgt May 28, 2019


"Y"is the 25th and penultimate letter in the modern english alphabet. In the english writing system, it sometimes represents a vowel and sometimes a consonant.
Note that it can also be used as a slang word and abbreviation of two words:
1) the word "yes"
2) the word "why"

A: hey wanna go out tonight?

B: y
A: well we haven't gone out for long time now
B: i said "yes" not "why"...
A: f*ck SMS slangs man

by Draugen December 18, 2016


It means why so

Stop it cause I said so . Y

by D.J. Jeffy June 20, 2017


A short way of saying why

But y?

by cool dogs eat November 21, 2022