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Ball cancer

Testicular cancer.. that’s all.

Bob: hey bro guess what
David: what?
Bob: I have ball cancer
David: damn bro that sucks

by I made this for a joke lmao October 28, 2021

Purdue Cancer Kid

Shorthand description for people like Tyler Trent, the 20 year old osteosarcoma bone cancer patient who inspired unranked Purdue to upset #2 Ohio State in football in 2018 after saying in a ESPN College GameDay feature regarding his cancer prognosis "The immediate future in my mind is that Purdue beats Ohio State next Saturday".

Has gone on to represent ANY inspiring person adopted by a sports for inspiration. Especially potent if accompanied by a feature story on ESPN by Tom Rinaldi.

When I saw Tom Rinaldi do the 6 minute feature story on the Purdue Cancer Kid, I knew immediately we were gonna lose.

by cgorange November 28, 2021


To induce cancer in someone

That EU flash just cancered me!!!

by matèeeeee September 12, 2016


When somebody (or a playlist) unexpectedly plays cancer by My Chemical Romance, resulting in any, repressed or otherwise, emos souls to leave their body. Leaving them crying, runny eyelinered, in a corner curled in a ball screaming the lyrics and not getting up for an hour or 3, hoods up and the strings pulled. Be careful, because after the crying is done... they might kill your family. This is a major act of emo disrespect.

"Yo John, wheres Frank?
"SHHHHHHH! Hes over there"
"What is he yelling and why is he in a corner?"
"Cancer came on the radio"
"Ohhh, He got Cancered."
"Almost as bad as that time he got northern downpoured"
"Ouch... Well it'll take him a while to fix his eyeliner, lets grab pizza."

by ACloudyDay7 January 17, 2019

ardent cancer

The most cancerous item existing in League of Legends

Rush Ardent cancer or ill run it down mid

by Liter boy August 26, 2017

autistic cancer down syndrome brain damaged mentally challenged sponge

Defines people who dabs

He is autistic cancer down syndrome brain damaged mentally challenged sponge

by autistic cancer downs boy March 9, 2017

3👍 16👎

confident tracksuit cancer

A confident pair or group of individuals who's primary taste in clothing pertains to brightly coloured tracksuits. in their free time they contribute to the cancer imitating growth of their echo (what you might know as a friendship circle). Their choice in music, any modern subculture of gangsta-rap or pop-rap. They force themselves on to women, while also maintaining an illogical, self contradicting rush to the aid of a woman in need of protection from a confident male. They're often located, by day, in public parks and by night, discount stores and E-cigarette outlets. If a confident tracksuit cancer were to divide, they would, as individuals no longer be defined as a confident tracksuit cancer; Simply named a tracksuit tumour, similar to the beginning of a cancer as a tumour. while the confidence is derivative of their aforementioned echo.

lets cross the street here, so as to avoid the confident tracksuit cancer

by carcrashcorpse January 28, 2016