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8 year old

A child who watches Minecraft videos and is obsessed with playing Roblox. They enjoy eating sandwiches and doritos. They will constantly rage and flip out if they lose a match in a game.

Kevin, you are being such an 8 year old.

by sodapop. February 11, 2021

30πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

ESPN 8 "the Ocho"

Bringing you the finest from seldom seen sports from around the world since 1999.

Did you watch the Amateur, Division 1 Curling district champions last night? It was on ESPN 8 "the Ocho"!

by Clavefor January 11, 2015

pour me a 8

This is when you mix (codeine) in soda. It is a large amount of syrup in less soda. When you pour a 8 it is possible to overdose but some pour a 16. It starts from a 2 which is the smallest amount of syrup in soda. It is not recommend due to addiction.

Pour me a 8 cause a 4 does nothing to me.

by Kimuch November 6, 2019

35πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Internet Explorer 8

The newest edition of the world's worst internet browser- Internet Explorer

A.K.A. IE 8

Fortunately, it has not been released yet,(true on 03 May 2009), featuring the latest round of security holes. The only people that will use this crappy program will be:

- People that have never used a computer
- People that are working on a computer at work, school/ other organization who cannot escape this program due to software restrictions.

This program is so bad, that Microsoft (the horrid mother of this program) are planning to force this piece of useless software into people's computers via auto-update.*

Features include:
- No support
- Automated crashes
- Sudden Lags
- Stolen Features
- FREE YES FREE, default viruses
- Included bonus: Allows credit card details to be stolen!
- Takes longer to load google.com then the average American child (weighing 300lb) takes to run 400 meters.
- A gateway for hackers

To escape this hellhole, simply Google "Mozilla Firefox", though you are fucked, if there is a software restriction thingy-majig.

The vast numbers of people who use this program to acquire Mozilla Firefox means that Microsoft may even consider to block Mozila.com, banishing the user to a lifetime of Mozilla Firefox.

FACT: It's ugly sister, Internet Explorer 6, is the #1 cause of Angry German Kid.

* Though it has not been released yet, we know it will be crap, because it is genetically shit, as we have seen in the previous internet explorers.

(Note, these examples aren't that good)

Person 1: ARRGGGHHH FUCK! Internet Explorer 8 just got me these porn pop-ups, and my mum came in the room, and saw one of the pop-ups!
Person 2: Dude, have you not heard of Mozilla Firefox?


Person 3: NOOOO! My computer just got Internet Explorer 8!
Person 4 (Mozilla user): Don't you use Firefox?
Person 3: It does it automatically!
Person 4: (Sees IE 8 being downloaded) SHIT! (computer begins to lag)

by Cheekyvincent May 3, 2009

119πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

June 8

Ppl who were born on dis day r sweaty fortnite players


β€œI was born on June 8”
β€œWowΒ‘ u must be a sweaty player I see πŸ˜β€

by I’m a sweat November 1, 2019

2πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Set 8

A person who doesn’t know any basic knowledge

Jaimie : who’s Vladimir Putin

Jess: you are the definition of set 8

by Duffy ughh ighitter May 1, 2020

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8- track

a dimebag. a bag of pot (weed) that costs ten dollars.

i smoked an 8-track last night

by EDDIEMARK August 9, 2005

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