Tom: there’s that Harry Tristram kid
Toms boyfriend: o yea he sucks at golf
A little annoying rat that poops his pants and doesn't clean it up and eats way to much cheese.
He also sucks at every game he plays because his favorite game is 2k which is actually trash and is the same game every year but somehow he thinks it is actually good, his brain is literally mushy brain soup.
Jacob Harris says "NbA 2K iS gOoD gUyS i SwEaR"
the harris genes are a unique set of skills that gives the person containing the genes the ability to excel in things like math, science, and life in general. People with the harris genes are some of the brightest minds in the world such as albert einstein, elon musk, and bill gates.
“I got 100% on my math test”
“you must have the harris genes”
A unique individual who is highly skilled in first person shooters, pokemon games, making people laugh, being inappropriate and just being a FUCKING WIZARD!!!
Boy 1: Dude, that guy wrecked us.
Boy 2: I know, right. 48-1!
Boy 2: He must be Harri Crabb
Harry Potter: But I'm just Harry
Hagrid: Oh shit. Sorry, I was looking for Harri Crabb, not Harry Potter
The act of inserting the fist into a female's vaginal region who hasn't shaved her pubic hair in months.
Janelle relaxed on the sofa as her boyfriend welcomed her babyhole to a Harry Fistinger.
A perfect girl who every guy should stay away from because Shes obviously taken.
Her Beautiful blue eyes and amazing smile could stun absolsolutly anyone even in their darkest time.
She can help anyone through any hard time at all.
Catelyn Harris is the most Beautiful girl to ever walk the earth. Period.
Hey you see that girl over there?
Yeah man is that Catelyn Harris?
Hell yea, I'm glad Shes mine
A cool kid. Usually a big kid. Smart but doesn't fuck with school. Loves music
John: hey look it's Dash Harris, the smart kid that raps but hates school.
John: hey look it's Dash Harris, the smart kid that raps but hates school.