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What does math stands for?

M - Mental
A - Abuse
T - To
H - Humans
see! easy!

man1: hey i know what does math stands for!
girl: oh yeah? tell me then!
man1: mental abuse to huma-

what does math stands for?
never tell someone

by SSM4 Bloopers November 16, 2018

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Thou Shalt Not Mask Your Math

The unwritten or unspoken commandment for math educators worldwide not to conceal their weaknesses or deficiencies, or to pretend that they could figure out the answers by themselves; instead, they would be wiser to turn to their Creator, the Greatest Mathematician, for wisdom and insight to solve their logical, psychological, or mathematical difficulties.

If more math teachers, writers, or editors were to put into practice the “Thou Shalt Not Mask Your Math” commandment, they needn’t frustratingly spend so much time and effort in solving their mathematical ills, because the Holy Spirit could in a twinkle of an eye reveal to them the solutions, which would otherwise have taken them a hundred or thousand times longer to figure them out.

by MathPlus March 28, 2021

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Post Discrete Math Stress Disorder

PTSD or Post Discrete Math Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that ALU Computer Science students have after enrolling in CS for one term. IT's symptoms include unwillingness to attend classes, especially Friday morning classes.
It also has been reported that most CS students have switched to other degrees as a result of the condition.

The doctor said all the nightmares I have are a result of a Post Discrete Math Stress Disorder disease from all the discrete math assignments

by ALU-Challengers November 8, 2019

Math class big brain that is small

When you do your work in your head but you have to show your work and you don't know how to do that because you have been doing work in your head so much you don't even need to visualize it

*Sigh* Math class big brain that is small

by Wiggly Mr.Dickls the 1st October 8, 2019

7th grade pioneer math teacher

She is a mean teacher who does not help her students at all. She also gives out homework everyday. Her favorite saying is "LUNCH DETENTION" she will yell at you for standing up to blow ur nose.

I'd rather have Donald Trump teach me then my "7th grade pioneer math teacher"


Same-Same-But-Different Singapore Math

When the methodology and pedagogy used in Singapore math textbooks and supplementary titles (foreign and local editions) at the same grade are believed or perceived to be equivalent, yet the level of difficulty of the brain-unfriendly questions in both editions differs significantly—the tailor-made overseas editions are often one or two grades lower than the local one.

US math educators need to take note of the same-same-but-different Singapore math titles to temper their expectations of their students’ mathematical proficiency compared to that of their Singaporean counterparts.

by MathPlus August 31, 2021

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Why Can’t Math Be Like Sex?

If teachers and textbook authors would creatively present the oft-sterile math curriculum in a form that would get students excited about the beauty of the subject, by not adulterating but contextualizing the content—by letting learners see both the mathematical forest and the trees.

Mathematics is too important to be left in the hands of mostly uncreative authors or publishers; as a result, teachers and parents would need to sexify the most boring subject in school—they need to ask, “why can’t math be like sex?” to lure unmotivated or mathophobic students.

by MathPlus December 1, 2018

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