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American Nazis

An overzealous, pride-ridden, American that has characteristics of Nazi Ideaology (this includes racism, anti-semitism, and hubris, or overbeared pride.). They were raised in small towns and were raised to be ignorant to the world. Characteristics include:

- Racist additude towards anyone, excluding non-foriegn blacks and whites
- Overzealousness of materialism
- Supports censorship, unneeded violence, lazyness and aggressive behavior
- Is very stupid and hypocritical
- Very irreponsible, including with children
- Allows the same kind to do what ever they want, even if it is illegal
- Perverts Christianity and God
- Hates the world and promotes genocide to every country out there, excluding the US
- Follows old, evil 18th Century Monarchy Rules (i.e., the more fat you get, the more powerful you are, whites are better than any other race,)
- Very stupid, ignorant, and confused
- Dislikes Anime, Video Games, Art, Acting, creativity and anything else that is deemed "weird" or "different".
- Dislikes having "emotion", is very aggressive, greedy, rude and arrogant.

These include these kinds of people:

- Cradle Robbing Priests
- Irresponsible parents that sue video game companies, constantly have sex, and hate children
- Jocks
- Rednecks
- 55% of US Middle Class, and %100 Upper Class
- Preps
- The KKK, Skinheads and Nazis
- Trend following bastards
- "Wangstas"
- Corrupt Politicans
- The People that run Encylcopedia Dramatica
- Anyone else that is a dumbass and doesn't have a heart.

They can be called "Bad Americans" or "White Trash". They are also called "The Great Satans".

American Nazis only hinder the growth of The United States of America. They also make us the target of Al Quaida and the Taliban. Gatta Kill'em all!

by The Asian Rick James, Bitch! November 10, 2006

95๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

american kids

they think there so fucking cool like fuck off

american kids are gay

by Uzi_YTT December 15, 2019

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american language

A kind of wierd form of english, used by canadians and americans. It is mostly normal, but with freakish words thrown in, like diaper, pacifier, fall, mom etc.

A dictionary of american-english should really exist by now.

by Funkoff August 18, 2003

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american muscle

Very well built cars made from the 60's to 70's which have steadily decreased in quality since their prime 35+ years ago. To most who own an american made car with a v8, owning a piece of american history gives them the authority to bash on any other foreign manufacturer including anything made in Europe or Japan, and mostly anything with less than 8 cylinders. So what's the difference between your standard meat head who drives a TA and your so-called "ricer". the difference is the dude pulling mid 9's at the 1320 in his single cam, N/A, 4cyl., honda insight (if you don't believe it, search yotube "bisimoto insight") is the same dude who will appreciate the culture and engineering involved in your 1972 442. He will also have the knowledge to have an intelligent conversation with you about your compression ratio and the torque numbers you produced on the dyno. On the other hand, your standard american muscle head will call you a "ricer" simply for having an "H" on your hood while completely ignoring the fact that you spent countless hours and paychecks making sure your motor could keep up with his 442, and not spending your money on useless things like a 3' wing, over the top ricer body kit, 18" chrome wheels, and under glow. It's called mutual respect, and eventually, some will have to face the fact that the CRX sitting next to them at the light just might be able to blow their doors off or at least keep up with their v8. Just sayin... :)

"No matter how much I will ever be into japanese and european tuning, I will always have respect for american muscle"

"I've never loved anything other than american muscle, thats why i bought a body kit for my sons cavalier" <---heard that one before haha fail...

by crvb20z August 16, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A subculture in America that still practices aspects of the culture that their Irish ancestors brought over hundreds of years ago. Different from the actual Irish since Irish-Americans culturally are more similar to the 1800's Irish than modern Irish. Comparable to Italian-Americans, Jewish-American, Polish-American and Asian-Americans. The whole Irish-American subculture was generated back in the 1800's when Irish Catholic immigrants faced adversity from the White Protestants already in America so they bonded together in neighborhoods and retained their heritage. This is why St. Patrick's Day is a giant celebration in cities like Chicago, Boston, and New York. A lot of people claim they are Irish-American like a lot of people try to claim they are Italian-American/Polish-American, just because they are boring typical white Americans whose genealogy traces back to England or Germany.

My cousin Kevin is a typical Irish-American. Friendly, hard working, and visits Ireland at least once a year.

by yoyoyokn November 3, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who are loyal to America and Ireland at the same time,people who are hard workers,tough as nails,fun-loving,church goers who I support 115%!

John Fitzgerald Kennedy,people who survived the harsh criticism from other people who weren't Irish,great people with traditional Irish names like Fitzgerald,Fitzpatrick,Fitzsimmons and O'Reilly,and people who care about the U.S. of A. and the Emerald Isle!
The Irish-American is a great American!

by Fred Benson April 11, 2007

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hyphenated American

The other poster of this term has obviously not realized that white americans are, technically, "Caucasian-Americans" just as black americans are, technically, "African-Americans". Pandemics of political correctness are because of people like him/her: ahem, the racists. Educate yourself before forming harmful world views, please. And if you don't want to take the time to do that, then shut the fuck up.

Everyone in America is a hyphenated American.


You can identify racist people if they say non-whites "take up space".

You can identify uneducated people if they use the term "pussification" over the age of 22.

by lilokayz January 24, 2010

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