When your friends you introduced to each other no longer invite you out for a drink they just go without you
I just got a video text of Bill and Bobby having a drink without me. I guess I am not Bill and Bobby worthy
A guy with a massive dick who gets mad poon
Bobby Dorrell fucks mad bitches
He's so short and fat. He'll never get a friend. He's a little Chinese panda. Oh, and he's also gay.
Eww it's bobby donald
Lord Bobby is such a legend after watching Animal, I will be rewatching Bardaasht, Gupt and Ajnabee cause these are now his cult classics!
"Ever since I introduced him to the bobbie, he's been coming back to my place every Sunday."
"Ever since I introduced him to the bobbie, he's been coming back to my place every Sunday."
A euphemism for sucking cock.
I would like a Bobby Johnson please.