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Kirby Dude

A user fairly unknown on the Gamefaqs board Life The Universe and Everything, or LUE, and LUElinks. With the creation of upLUEd, a website for the LUEsers to share their favorite downloads, he gained fame for uploading massive amounts of music, including the entire Pink Floyd discography, Dream Theatre and Frank Zappa discography. These caused him to come out of the shadows on relative unknownity. Sadly, upLUEd was taken down due to the IRAA and his music fame faded. He still posts very frequently on LUElinks and has garnered much love from the users.

Kirby Dude, the LL music guru.

by Spork April 30, 2005

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Dude That's Gross

1.) Anything of or relating to Mike Stangelo.

2.) Anythng that just makes u think of this saying.

3.) What ur mom says about ur fantasys of her.

Dude, Thats gross

by Ed Shinta November 20, 2003

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A hick; a redneck, especially a redneck teenager. Talks endlessly about ATVs and various other automotives, guns, and weed; can be seen wearing Grateful Dead T-shirts, ragged baseball cpas with the visors bent inward, and occaisionally black, hooded sweatshirts.

Origin comes from their manner of speech: they're frequently caught using the words "dude" and "guy" in thier communication. For example; "Whoa guy, check out at muh f***in' foah-weelah, dude!" or "Yeah, dude, I just got a hemi! Don't touch it, guy!"

Usage of the term is popular around the Augusta, Maine area.

"The front of our high-school lobby is swamped every morning by a bunch of smelly dude-guys from Pittston."

by Joel Glidden March 29, 2004

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wow dude

"Wow dude" is a expression used when you don't get what you want. Or when someone asks you a question and you have no other response other than wow dude. It could be used for almost anything. It's my favorite expression, I say it all the time. If al started when a friend was super high and we were being mean to him and he just sounded so funny saying "wow dude"

"wow dude, that's so fucked up." I
Thought we were friends"

by Wow dude October 27, 2015

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A boy by the name of Kieran who has sexual intercourse with strangers for money. The strangers are sometimes men and sometimes referred to as Josh, Todd or George.

K-Dude: "Hey wanna have sex?"
Josh: "Yeah!"
Todd: "Me too!"
George: "Yeah OK, I just lubed up!"
Kieran: "Whoopee!"

by FrankTheTank2010Bitches January 7, 2010

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Bro dude

A guy who works out a lot, takes steroids to bulk up, attends the gym every chance he can get.

He will also blow every penny he can on pot (see marijuana) & beer. This type of guy likes to sleep with a lot of girls that he picks up at bars.

He can be seen among other Bro dudes, especially in bro dude brawls.

Person A: Hey want to go to the bars tonight?

Person B: Naw, tonights bar night, all the Bro dudes are downtown

by Candleduck September 20, 2008

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dude tube

a hallow tube that you fill with dryer sheets and exhale smoke (usually of the mary jane type) so your apartment doesnt smell like weed or your parents dont catch you also is called an asshole

Joe: dude lets blaze
Mark: wait man where is the dude tube?
Joe: o shit yeah dont wanna smell the place up

by Matt Marx October 3, 2007

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