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Comegachinro La Fairy de Ice

It's when a certain furry of the ice fairy species want their ass beat so bad that when you do it the shit falls off completely and the when the when the go away to no feel anymore and ass fall down

Damn, girl. What a Comegachinro La Fairy de Ice

by Cirno-chan November 12, 2023

Snot Fairy

Someone who is in a foul or grumpy mood. Often shown taking out their anger on others.

She's being such a snot fairy, all because she stubbed her toe.

by boswald xvii January 19, 2019

Fairy Type

Used as satire and an extension of the term “weeb.” It describes any individual with an anime girl, femboy, catboy, catgirl, or furry profile picture on their social media. Can also be used to describe annoying kids or anyone that views themselves as “quirky.”

The only weakness of the Pokémon Sableye

He changed his profile picture to a cat girl. I’ve lost all respect for that fairy type.

You’re talking like a true fairy type.

by Vindic1 April 2, 2023


Type of dish washing soap brand

I’m going to Tesco to pick up some fairy

by Sugma? Sugma dick June 8, 2021


A male who acts very feminine, typically homosexual but can also be heterosexual.

Someone who tries to catch fish from the couch and is afraid of shore dives with 1-2ft wave forecast because it’s a “yardsale

Someone who shares dive spots with multiple dive buddy groups and can’t load his own double roller 120cm speargun

Someone who spears undersized calicos and have a 10second breathhold

Andy, if you’re going to upgrade to a roller you have to be able to load it. you're a fucking fairy for sharing dive spots even tho you barely dive 1time a year

by Ghost crew April 8, 2022


a gay twink.

"look at that fairy all happy and gay!."

by AAAAHHHH123 December 12, 2022


Some emo bitch that calls herself fairy in every social media app

Oh my name is fairy no stfu

by HELLOHEHEHE December 30, 2022