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Frank's Red Hole

While banging doggy style take a chicken wing (preferably the drumstick kind) and ram it in their asshole

It was getting a little boring, so I decided to spice it up by giving her a Frank's Red Hole.

by TurdsAreNature'sCrayons December 27, 2021


when you mess up something or break something
*refers to frank gallagher cuz he’s always fucked*
*also refers to frankenstein cuz he gets broken*

“dude i think i franked fuckin shoulder

by cornonthecob April 28, 2021


To do someone wrong

I got franked in traffic (I got cut off in traffic)

by Unja May 15, 2018


To get "Franked" means to be triggered or upset by something

"I felt so franked today"

by Ash1992 November 23, 2020


To get "Franked" means to be triggered or upset by something.

"Wow man you where so franked yesterday" "it was so disrespectful"

by Ash1992 November 30, 2020


A word used as an insult, a clowning or just to piss off a certain individual.

steve: (PLAYING SEIGE) aw man jager just got me god im shit.
charli: wow man u really are bad at this game u loser.
Ajai: steve just kys already.
sven: eww steve couldnt be us you donkey

ps- its a certain surname from an individual....

by THA TCOSH February 17, 2021


When a person named Frank pranks his students of his waifu.

Its a sort of prank which is performed by a person named Frank, its often pretty offensive

: *Frank points at a jew* and says "Thats what a troll looks like"
After every prank he yells "FRAAAANKED!!!!"

Franked - When a person is pranked by another person named Frank

by A Swedish Barrel December 5, 2018