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horse riding

the act of having sex with a girl that looks like a horse.

guy 1: yo dude what do you think of samantha?
guy 2: i was actually horse riding her the other night so...

by horsaphile July 30, 2012

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Dead Horse

Old saying that means what you are asking for is absolutely not going to happen.

When somebody asks for something that you're not going to give them or do for them, your response is "Sorry, but I'd say you're looking up a dead horse's ass"

by wlp1971Sept May 22, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dark Horse

A song (a great one too, although not terribly well sung or produced) and the title track of the 1974 Apple album of the same name by the late, great George Harrison. Dark Horse was also the name of the visionary guitarist and composer's record label (distributed by the Brothers Warner), which he recorded seven albums for after leaving Apple (the label the Beatles formed in 1968) in 1976. Harrison himself was also known as the Dark Horse of the Beatles, a reference to a racehorse that people bet little on in the beginning, but who ultimately outshines his competitors in the end. When you have Lennon, McCartney and Martin as your mentors and Clapton, Dylan, and Shankar as three of your best friends, you can't help but radiate brilliance, as George did โ€” and still does. As the Man himself sang:

"I'm a dark horse
Running on a dark race course
I'm a blue moon
Since I stepped out of the womb
I've been a cool jerk
Looking for the source
I'm a dark horse."

by Victor Felix September 20, 2005

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blow horse

when a human female sucks on an equestrian animals dick. More often then not, these are performed by horse-riders. This is basically an inter-species blow job.

I saw that chick giving a donkey a blow horse in the stables yesterday.

Bro, that donkey is one lucky ass.

by Stan Kyle Kenny Cartman January 27, 2011

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Thunder Horse

A very large male reproductive organ, a.k.a a thunder stick or a very large "meat stick"

I jumped on his thunder horse! He put his Thunder Horse in me!

His penis is in the Thunder horse category

by Meat Stick July 15, 2009

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Shaggy Horse

A girl who is now a SLUT. A tramp leader basicly who once looked respectable and freash but now may look similar to a raw hamburger(or has the slit of one anyway). A girl that perhaps once, tempted your mind into wanting a peice but you will have to overcome and realise only your brains being an r-tard. A once freash decent girl now called a Shaggy Horse can commonly be first noticed some where(based on popularity) from high school years 8-10. You may tend to keep thinking of this girl in your imagination but you must understand the truth, "I'll probably get some feral disease".

Guy J: "Omg, look at that! what a tramp.. although i would consider it."

Guy D: "Dude, clearly shes been over used... two words mate! Shaggy Horse!"

by Mechlord April 27, 2009

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horse glue

the seaman of a horse, usually on the face of a porn star who gave that very horse head.

dude, on this porn stream i downloaded this horse got horse glue all over this crazy broad's face!!

by 8===> September 23, 2007

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