A platonic or romantic relationship where one of the parties kills the other.
Person 1: "The only thing I knew about them is that they're in an Asuka-Hacho relationship, which I think is very sad."
Person 2: "Sir this is a Wendy's."
A hyena relationship or hyena marriage is basically when the woman calls all the shots in said relationship or marriage. She always tells her boyfriend/husband what to do and always puts him in check. In her eyes, she is never wrong. The meaning comes from the fact that hyenas are one of the few animals where the females dominate the males
Ever since my homie started dating his girl, she has been controlling him, and telling him what to do. She makes him do everything. Looks like's he stuck in a hyena relationship/hyena marriage
A relationship where none of the involved parties are bringing their children into the mix. This may imply that neither of the individuals have any children of their own, or the one pursuing a relationship does want to take on any additional children from the potential partner.
They are pretty attractive but they do have kids, and I'm only interested in a lean relationship.
The belief that a good, healthy, romantic relationship can cause good personal benefits.
I believe that Relationshipism is a true, good thing.
Having a crush on a relationship.
My relationshipism caused me to be attracted to Jay-z and Beyonce's relationship.
A relationship that is only during a month or so
girl 1: me and my seasonal relationship are getting together again
A guy who sees a sad girl who is potentially sad because of a past relationship. The relationship jester (jester meaning someone who makes royalty happy usually with jokes) tries to cheer the girl up with the intention of starting a relationship with the girl. Instead of the girl dating the guy who cheered her up, she goes off and dates another guy who had no intention of cheering her up.
I'm sick of being a relationship jester; every girl I try to date always gets with another man.