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something that is good enough to flip over and bang, preferrably a subaru impreza or a well fit girl that the closest tou'll come to is tossing over

dude, jordan is well wankworthy

by BRADLEY FLYNN December 17, 2003

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danger wank

starting to masturbate while parked at red lights and having to cum before they are green again

i danger wanked at the lights the other day, went straight into the back of a van, then i drove off

by 'The Master' April 2, 2008

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tom wanks

gay version of Tom Hanks

have u seen the film Philadelphia, its got Tom Wanks and Antonio Bumbandit in it.

by Marky boy April 21, 2006

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Wank Bubble

1) something that annoys you

2) bubbles in your cum

"you wank bubble"

Look at that wank bubble

by Nikki Smith November 17, 2003

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Wank Dog

a common dog found masturbating. usually found in parks or laybye's in the buxton area

ohhh mate look at that wank dog!, WANK DOG!!!

by YeS ITz BaLLBaG ALRiTe =D June 22, 2010

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Sunday Wank

The most satisfiying wank one will have throught the week. The hangover wank you cant wait to have usually around 9pm before you go to sleep. Usually is better if you come home alone the night before and your sack is full.

"Hey Jim, Lets go visit Guido" "nah not now he will be having his Sunday Wank for sure".

by Bruce Dorset July 24, 2011

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Danger Wank

Finishing yourself off during masturbation before being walked in on/caught at your business

Mum walking in on you avin a wankkkkkkkkkkk - Was a mad danger wank

by Roy boi September 1, 2008

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