a boyfriend and girlfriend who both appear to be on their period when they are with or without each other.
Yo, Sarah and Timmy are a period couple!
6A's secret language that Mr. Hyatt and Teacher Harrison know about. The language has many words that I will not give examples of.
83-43-1 is an example of how the word should be written in the language.
The Periodic Table is also known for learning elements in science class
when two women are in close confines and their period cycles sync together. especially when one woman is on birth control and has a set time for her period, the other woman becomes a period stalker.
Oh my god, Chelsea, don't be such a period stalker, it's creeping me out.
Every month after women cut off their penises they bleed for 3 to 10 days and peel off their skin during on after the process. This is called our menstrual cycle, an effect of our reproductive system (i think)
“Hey! Have you peeled this month?”
“Excuse me?”
peel - the body’s way of cleansing a woman's skin.
womens periods
When you period stops and then starts again, usually a day later after having stopped.
Omg Becca I just had the worst period stutter. Good thing I didn’t forget my tampads.
n. when one becomes periodically overly emotional about the current state of his/her job/career.
Frankie was complaining about "not being where he should be with his MBA" and how "he should have been a manager by now". I think he's just having his career period.