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Livin the rich mans life

When you are livin the rich mans life.

Man, I'm really livin the rich mans life.

by Randomaniac04 May 5, 2018

Should I share? My dad wants me to marry Kris Wu because he is a rich guy but I got no money hehe.

It is a catchphrase made by Syafinaz Binte Zainal and I think I am working harder for money. It is my secret or not so secret maybe.

Should I share? My dad wants me to marry Kris Wu because he is a rich guy but I got no money hehe.

by syafinaz confirms that? November 19, 2023

Clean Rich

Clean Rich Boy (CRB) is a term originally coined by the Reesykle community. It means a person who generated his wealth without harming the environment.

He's clean rich, he made his money in renewable energy.

He was a Reesykle diamond hand and became clean rich.

by cryptoapegod December 31, 2022

striking it rich in alaska

When you pour motor or crude oil into a girl's asshole or vagina, so that when you shove your dick in, oil sprays out.

Guy 1: I was striking it rich in alaska with the girl last night
Guy 2: Nice, you're practically part of OPEC

by MilkyEggWhites February 12, 2016

rich people poor

When you can afford the basics but nothing else. Didn't grow up with the nice clothes, new electronics, vacations, etc Still had food on the plate, still had some clothing, still had internet access (if gen z)
synonyms: working class, lower middle class
Basically: You're poor according to the middle class, upper-middle class and the rich, but you're too rich for "true poverty"
Often gatekept out of being "disadvantaged" or being "just above the poverty line", but didn't grow up with the luxuries of the middle class or the upper class

Tyler: Why Don't You Have a PS5 or an Air Fryer, Dennis?

Dennis: I'm rich people poor

by Smurkio January 3, 2024

rich black nigga

wizzy is the definition

i like that that one rich black nigga (wizzy)

by oofblockboy May 30, 2023

Rich Fields

The former announcer on the CBS game show "Price Is Right" hired by Bob Barker and Bart Eskander during mid-Season 32 of the series in 2004 after previous announcer Rod Roddy's death in 2003 (after being briefly replaced by veteran game show announcer and personality Randy West) who often made appearances on camera when something funny happens (especially in the Showcases) and can be heard laughing off camera (just like his predecessors Roddy and the original announcer Johnny Olson).

He was kept during the Drew Carey era (as Eskander and executive producer Roger Dobkowitz remained on the show for carey's first season as host) and eventually by Eskanders successor as director, Rich DiPirro (not related to Fields in any way), but then became a Florida weatherman after he left and is now currently a motivational speaker.

As announcer on the series, he was succeeded by former syndicated "The Weakest Link" host George Gray in 2011, who announces the show to this day, who doesn't appear on camera as much as Rich did.

Rich Fields was the on-camera announcer on the Price Is Right from 2004 to 2010.

by itstheunknown January 27, 2025