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burrito shaming

Judging a mexican restaraunt on the quality of their burritos

"Yeah theyr open 24 hours but they put entire leaves of lettuce and fat tomato slices in the burritos" you are burrito shaming a place

by squarepizza November 26, 2015

Body shaming

Sssniperwolf moment

Person 1: Have you watched h the new sssniperwolf video?
Person 2: no I heard she body shames people, that’s a big yikes moment
Person 3: I got body shamed by sssniperwolf
Person 4: she’s such a body shaming person

by Ericskykid May 29, 2023

Body shaming

Ope! There it goes!

Hym "There goes the body shaming! I made you feel as you are (dumb+bad) and there goes the immediate body shaming! Right there! You see it!?"

by Hym Iam February 13, 2024

Sticky Walk Of Shame

When both parents enter your room at the moment of climax, but you need to get up and walk to the bathroom to clean yourself up.

Did you hear, Jeff had to do the sticky walk of shame at his grandparents house?

by StickyWalker February 23, 2024

attention shaming

The practice on social media (Facebook in particular) of chastising others for responding to the news they are responding to, accusing them of being distracting from "more important" issues, as determined by the scolder.

Lauren's most recent episode in attention shaming Dirk was for tweeting about Sean Spicer's latest gaffe instead of a new report from Greenpeace on the near extinction of Zimbabwean duck-billed platypi due to climate change.

by Marquismarq April 11, 2017

Peg Shame

The embarrassment one feels after their secret affinity for taking it up the bum is exposed to the world.

Olly repeatedly denied taking it up the bum due to his peg shame

by takeajokeandrunwithit February 13, 2021

wound shaming

when a person defends themselves against criticism by speaking about the possible wound that caused their flaw

Luke: Bro, you need to stop getting hammered every night
Joel: My dad was an alcoholic and this is how I learned to cope with all my problems. Also he never gave me Nerf guns as a kid. Leave me alone..
Luke: you're wound shaming me rn

by BriggsBriggs April 12, 2022