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A whore that , most of the time, shags men with herpes.

Joseph: Yo Tyrone, look at dat skank over there.
Tyrone: Imma clap dat.
Joseph: No, Tyrone, she has the clap.

by ReloadzzRenegade October 17, 2019


Someone who tries to be a hoe but fails

Jeeze I feel sorry for Helen Keller, poor skank

by The816Jesus February 29, 2020


The lowest on the hierarchy of women in the human race. The opposite of a queen.
Her only gratification in life is physical. Because she was never taught to understand her mental. Usually is criticized by her lack if intelligence and moral judgments . Has no problem fucking her bffs man or her man's best friends. A flaw she usually learned during her adolescent years by fucking her moms friends

That skank fucked everybody she ever crossed paths with.

by CivilSavage23 July 28, 2023


A dude who keeps a steady relationship with his girl, but usually puts his bromance first. Spends money friviously on new shoes and alcahol but wont take his girlfriend out anywhere. Likes to treat his girlfriend like a hoe in front of his friends to try to show off.

Downs a bottle of cheap whiskey once a night, gets drunk and usually yells at people when speaking. Will follow his girlfriends friends on social media and like all their pictures. Usually a okay guy at first, but in time reveals neediness and his low self-esteem. Will try to fuck his best friends girl or ask girlfriend to participate in orgy with one of her friends. Has a very enlarged ego and will deny all accusations of being a total skank. Probably wont remember being a skank. Usually lies to girlfriend about said skank behavior. Will be nice and loving but when in fight with girlfriend claim they arent even together then proceede to not care.

Dude that guy is such a skank he tried to get the neighbors wife to go home with him while he was drunk and high on cocaine.

Girl dont mess with him he hits on anything that moves. Hes such a skank.

Hey man we gettin sips today? Wanna play videogames then hit up the bar?

Yo dude im such a skank. I slept with my girl last night and met up with that bitch from school today.

Yo dude i cant pay rent because i spent all my money on this video game last night. Im such a skank.

Hey want a ride, my girlfriend let me borrow her car i can take u anywhere u wanna go baby. Im a total skank.

by Urbanbitchseenitall June 22, 2018


A hoe and or a large big old slutty boi. See Prostiwhoring or Azukeal

That guy is such a fucking Skank

by NeighborhoodOnion November 14, 2018


“A robber’s mask

“Use a skank with vinegar to combat tear gas . Wear goggles

by RobotQi February 10, 2018


another word for slut

that girl is a skank!

by omgitsniamh June 10, 2016