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When you're just a bro who can admire other good looking bros.

"Hey bro, you look hot in those jeans"
"Aww, thanks bro, that shirt suits your abs"
"I'm straight-attracted to you, bro"
"You too, bro"

by LeeAgAy September 3, 2019

Straight Pressure

When Something or someone is "the shit" or going hard 24 hours seven days a week

Yo that fit you got on straight pressure
Kevin harts jokes straight pressure

by StraightPressure.com October 1, 2022

straight bullsheeeet

the opposite of straight shooter. one who thinks they can bullsheeeet their way out of things

Yo that mf is straight bullsheeeet!

by BumStatusYo December 6, 2018

Straight Rockets

Means progression or something on the rise it can also define something good.

"Bro i just got paid' "Straight rockets, g"
"I'm getting better at fortnite" "That's Straight rockets"

by GimmieXannz April 6, 2019

Straight Rate

n. The act of a heterosexual individual analyzing and judging the quality of a nude picture of another person of the same sex, with no homosexual intent.

"Hey dude, I'm sending a dick pic to my girl, can you straight rate me? No homo."

by Nathan L.T. Cumulus-Bayne June 3, 2018

Straight Zoo

A generic VrChat world were you watch the E-boys and E-Girls interact with each other.

Sorry joined my friend who was in a Straight Zoo, had to get out of there was falling asleep.

by Blazingskullking December 3, 2022

straight nation

a group of queers who made a Minecraft nation to act more straight when they are in the closet

the straight nation is a group of faggots

by leafle December 7, 2021