Someone who wants to be involved in everyone’s business, a busy body aka know it all.
A popular slang South African Word
Flip man, why is Tony being Bis.
Ey bra why you being bis ?
another way to say bitch in sentences.
1: " omg a bis is ugly!"
2: " like, bis really?"
3: " this bis over here gon take my phone!"
Bis was a rapper from south london ended up getting stabbed 14 times
Butts in Seats, i.e., employees sitting at the office. Used in a couple of different ways: a) to count the actual number of employees, excluding people on leave, trainees, open but unfilled requisitions, etc. b) to count the number of people physically present in the office as opposed to working from home.
I know your department has budget for 18 people, but you only have 10 BIS, plus 2 in the hiring pipeline, and 2 who'll be coming back from parental leave next month.
The corporate mandate is for everyone to come in at least three days a week, but I don't see that many BIS.