Source Code

Crushing the Castle

when ones castle is crushed; sex

What are you doin crushing the castle.

I crushed Cassie's castle last night.

by Mickey Pimp February 3, 2012

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Candy Crush

See evil

Candy Crush is evil

by December 25, 2016

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Raunch Crush

A crush you have on a complete vulgar asshole who's not really all that attractive, BUT at the same time you just kind of want to jump him. (and make out with him)

You have a crush on HIM? EW.

Yeah... i guess you wouldn't understand. It's a Raunch Crush.

by dnnee March 6, 2009

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crushed nuts

The punchline of an excuse to hit a dude in the nards

Pranker- "Hey buddy, I was about to make you an ice cream sunday, but I forgot, do you like crushed nuts?"

The sucker- "Hell yah, I love crushed nuts"

The pranker- smacks the sucker in the balls

Pranker- "there you go, crushed nuts"

Joke courtesy of HIMYM

by W1ll1155 January 28, 2016

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tweeter crush

1. Often stalking someone on Twitter who you wouldn't normally interact with.

2. Keeping track of someone's life through Twitter.

3. Watching strangers' lives through Twitter unfold, though you have no real life connection with them.

She is constantly checking for his updates, what a tweeter crush.

I don't really know him, but I have a tweeter crush on him. His tweets are so great!

by DancingInCirlces December 1, 2010

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crush karma

crush karma- the affect when you keep you crush a secret from someone, symptoms are getting embarrassed in from of your crush or your crush doing something bad to you.

If you don't tell me who you like you will get crush karma.

by Shsiyavskdusbejeu November 10, 2015

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Crushing of the Shell

A 'Coming of Age' ceremony whereby the participant, on the eve of their 21st birthday, willing engages in the physical destruction or 'crushing' of a sea shell with the aid of a consecrated sledgehammer. Though the ceremony is believed to have ancient origins, it is widely regarded today as milestone or transition in the participant's life as they cease their old ways and embrace a new life of profound knowledge and wisdom.

At what time will your "Crushing of the Shell" be starting?

by LindsayLohan49 July 19, 2013

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