1: I just had a delicious margarita and now I'm hammered.
2: Ooh, you must have had a Peter Jackson Margarita.
A really goofy looking guy he is very innocent and had done nothing wrong but since he is a nigga people think he's gonna shoot up the school.
"Nah bro act like Jamal Jackson the 3rd we can't just trust him for nothing that's crazy."
Have you seen that sexy cowboy? His name is Jackson Dale Hickerson!
Someone who is smart, athletic and gives grade A blow jobs
Hey that guy’s a Jackson of all trades
A black person with ginger hair.
Named after the famous actor, Samuel L. Jackson. Though he does not have ginger hair, he is the most famous black person we could think of.
Look at that Ginger Nut Jackson. What the fuck was he thinking.
He's the guy that plays every black person in every movie ever.
"Hey man who's that guy that plays that black guy in that movie?"
"Probably Samuel L. Jackson"
"What about that other movie where the dude died and the guys did the stuff?"
"Samuel L. Jackson again man."
A annoying kid who punches people and breaks backpacks for no reason
Jackson Charles lengquist is a bully