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piano rock

A musical genre that can best be summed up into two words: Ben Folds.

Did you listen to Ben Folds' newest album yet? It's sweet! He is the king of piano rock.

by Skppy1225 April 15, 2007

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Progressive Rock

(Prog Rock for short)

A genre of music (60's to current) who's heyday occurred in the 1970's. Known for blending various genres (most commonly jazz and classical) into Rock music, the genre "progresses" music to try to evolve it into something more engaging than simply something to dance or sing-a-long or jam to.

While arguable, the first Prog band is technically believed by Prog fans to be the Beatles. However, the first band to play in the current sense of the word was King Crimson.

Although most bands in the genre came from the UK, many came from the US (Frank Zappa / Dream Theatre), Canada (Rush), Germany (Van Der Graaf Generator), and more (Iceland - Sigur Ros).

Prog Rock and Metal are both considered to be "guy" bands, and contrary to popular belief, they are not meant to be listened to alone, rather it's just hard to find another prog fan near you these days.

Only 20 minutes long? Woah, that's one short Progressive Rock song...

by prog_head September 4, 2006

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Ninja Rocks

Small shards or pieces of ceramic spark plug insulator (the white part). When thrown at glass, they break it very quietly. They are used mostly for car burglaries in which the burglar wants to remain unheard.

Dan hit the driver's window with ninja rocks, then Joe ran up on the guy hit him in the nose after opening the door.

by Jeff June 15, 2006

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Christian Rock

1. An oxymoron.
2. A genre of music created by teens who wanted to play rock n' roll and still be considered good kids. Urged on by churches, parents, and the man, this genre has grown in recent years. The title, Christian Rock is false for the fact that rock is made up of drugs, sex, and rock n' roll, while the actual music contains little or none of these. Christian Rock tends to contained watered down and weak instrumentals, centering around lyrics. Comparable to soft rock. With few exceptions, such as Switchfoot and POD, Christian Rock has been and always will be a weak, lame stepchild of Rock. This is a shame because Christian music could be great, and yet it is crap. For any people who love true rock such as myself, and have good taste in music will not even listen to this weak crap. Being Christian doesn't mean you have to listen to that worthless shit.

Bob:Hi! Do you like Christian Rock!
Dave:No I listen to good bands like Led Zeppelin and AC/DC.
Bob: Thousand Foot Crutch is the best!
Dave: Eat me.

by SeanMurface April 11, 2006

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pride rock

That place where simba does his little thingie in the Lion King. It is in Africa, because the Lion King was in Africa.

Nate is from Africa and so was Simba, therefore Nate has been to pride rock.

by Tyler Durden February 26, 2004

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Glen Rock

Everyone in Glen Rock is insanely hott and fun. They are hilarious and aren't all snobby or pretend or anything. The schools are awesome and it's an awesome hang-out town! We've got awesome stores and everyone knows each other. There are no secrets in Glen Rock. If you have one, don't tell it. There aren't any bad people except for the ones who come from Paterson at night. We have 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school, combined with a high school. We have a really good faculty and the academics are very good as well as fun. The sports are awesome too.

Ridgewood kid: "wow this town has real people not fakes like Ridgewood."
Glen Rock kid: "that's how we do it here in Glen Rock. We're so awesome we don't need to pretend that we are."

by xxxblahBLAHblahxxx January 25, 2011

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girlfriend rock

The kind of music you listen to only because your girlfriend (or any girl(s) you like) does. When your macho friends flip through your record collection and quizzically ask why you have this winsome indie-pop record mixed in with your slovenly punk or your metal or whatever else you bro down to with your dude friends, "girlfriend rock" is the excuse you give. If they continue to make fun of you, ask them why they never get any? Or do they really enjoy jugga-lette hookups that much?

Dude 1: "What are these doing in your glove box...Blank Dogs? Belle and Sebastian???"

Dude 2: "Oh, that's what my girlfriend likes to listen to."

Dude 1: "You don't actually like this shit, do you?"

Dude 2: "Actually...for girlfriend rock, you can do a lot worse. Have you heard Real Estate?"

by DJ Rick May 18, 2010

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