Usually a guy who is good at sports, drinking, partying, and pleasing the opposite gender. These guys are a special breed of guy that can only be found in the 951. There is a group of friends who coined themselves as THEE Sick Ass Dudes
person 1: "that guy is badass!"
person 2: "yeah, he's a sick ass dude"
person 1: "oh for reals? No wonder!"
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More often than not, it is used in a derogatory manner. Can also be a term of endearment. Personally I mostly say it when someone tells me they did something I have no interest in.
"This is my first definition on Urban Dictionary!"
"Sick ass fool...."
"Dood I just got a keg!"
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When a rancher goes old-school in castrating sheep with his teeth.
Rowdy is one sick cowboy, a shepherd with ball-less sheep thanks to his incisors
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A homie who is too sick
achived by doing/ saying something that is just so over the top it can only be described as too sick
Jack : Jugs, would ya ?
Ryan : No
Alistair : Too sick homie
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A spoonerism for "suck your dick". It is most often said, in error, after being up for "several" days!
As whispered in a VERY sexy voice, over the phone: "I wanna sick your duck."
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often said in circumstances that suck my dick would be frowned upon by others. however sickmyduck gives the person time to walk away before they learn what it means.When refrencing what the person had said to you you can say ,he told me to, "sick his duck" , or "sick my duck"?
girl cashier: your short five dollars
me: sick my duck .*walking away*
girl cashier: hmmm.... sickhisduck? *what*
cashier:wait he said suck my dick
me:ha works every time
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when someone says 'the sick-nasty' it usually means that they're refuring to sex.
did you and john do the sick-nasty yet? haha.
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