Safe Tall mong us is a god that people worship he owns rule 69 and is known to be a really good skater better then beetlejuice
Safe Tall Mong Us
Among Us Alien Sight is ancient place where, 3000 years ago, Among Us Aliens showed up, while infecting other people by their liquid, Suslux. They created ancient arena where Among Us civilization fought for life. Among Us civilization
started spreading to other territories, 2500 years ago. When they came to the coastline (today, city Neum) they managed to establish the first embassy in the world, called Among Us Patriot Embassy. Today, there are leftovers of the embassy.
Among Us Alien Sight is ancient place where, 3000 years ago, Among Us Aliens showed up, while infecting other people by their liquid, Suslux. They created ancient arena where Among Us civilization fought for life. Among Us civilization
started spreading to other territories, 2500 years ago. When they came to the coastline (today, city Neum) they managed to establish the first embassy in the world, called Among Us Patriot Embassy. Today, there are leftovers of the embassy.
When an 8 year old sees someone in roblox who is so good and he is trash and he gets killed or something like that by the pearson he says NOOB , UR USING HACKS in the chat.
Pro roblox arsenal player:Kills 8 year old
8 year old in chat:Ur a NOOB,UR USING HACKS
When you have a stroke trying to say ammm,amgngongmoanassus sus susususss sorry i had a stroke again, when you have a stroke trying to say among us and say ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,, m,,m,mm,mmmm oh sorry another stroke
Bro whats up
Nothing wanna play Amngogongsnuos sus uss us
93JAKE: not funny
This saying was conceived by Bob and his buddy Mel while on a cycle ride to Portsmouth Dock Yard via Gosport in the Summer of 1963. They passed by a naval shipyard and noticed a beached and apparently discarded mini (aka: one-person) submarine in the assembly yard. The yard gate was open, so the guys checked out the sub and noticed that it had an open hatch upon which had been placed a fly screen (of the household variety), beggaring the question: "what is as useful as a fly screen on a submarine"??? Ironically, someone had punched a hole through the screen through which a horde of wasps had flown in through the hatch and nested. The thought came to mind of how annoying it would be - after closing up the submarine - to have the wasps buzzing around inside the sub...
Following immigration to Canada in 1975, one of the guys adjusted the saying to: "as useful as a screen door on a submarine" to accommodate Vancouver Island / BC / Canada / North America vernacular (which didn't recognize the term "fly screen").
the act of a Central Bank 'printing' fiat money, ie: quantitative easing, in an attempt to curb inflation is "as useful as a fly screen on a submarine"
When Your so stupid you do this Bullcrap
Singing among us in public is bad