The accumulation and compilation of memes, often in the form of (unfunny) dank jokes, pictures, videos, audio, etc.
Friend: I've been on Papa Franku's twitter all day compiling memes...
Me:*stares longingly into the sunset* Ah... Meme Extraction... *whispers* beautiful...
well i am doing it again. Instagram meme account on punk and rock. super nice person from italy, very funny and loveli she probably makes your day better. bad simp for boys with mohawk or spikes
rockk._.memes has the best taste.
Someone who tries to revive dead memes (so exactly what it says on the tin)
Dude, ice age baby hasn't been funny in ages; quit trying to be a meme necromancer and just accept it.
A meme that went outside of its fan base and became known and funny across the internet and the world
viral memes are known about in multiple countries
2👍 1👎
A person who knows so many memes that he can say memes by heart. This person can use, invent and create a meme at any time of the day. Real MemeLords are hard to see because a lot of people fake to be a MemeLord. To see if someone is a Memelord go to knowyourmemes (the site) and take a meme, if the person can say what the meme means more than 10 times he can be or is a Memelord. Other name for a meme Master is a memelord.
A person who knows so many memes that he can say memes by heart. This person can use, invent and create a meme at any time of the day. Real MemeLords are hard to see because a lot of people fake to be a MemeLord. To see if someone is a Memelord go to knowyourmemes (the site) and take a meme, if the person can say what the meme means more than 10 times he can be or is a Memelord. Other name for a meme Master is a memelord.
Star wars meme:
Person: Hello there
Mememaster: General Kenobi
Person: What?
Memelord: What?
Pewdiepie meme:
Person: Your not better than me
Mememaster: Oh but CAN YOU DO THIS!
Person: Can I do what?
Mememaster: ...
Random meme:
Person: I had a sandwich for breakfast
Mememaster: Weird flex but oke
Person: Oke...
Random meme:
Person: *snaps*
Mememaster: I dont feel so good
Person: What?
Mememaster: What?
These are some examples
When someone purposefully sets you up to use or be used as a meme.
noun: meme trapper
My friend asked me what my favourite animal was. After answering with frogs, she kink shamed me for being 'in love with Pepe'. She was totally meme trapping me.
Meme material percentage is a number that expresses how potent to become a meme a picture is.
"Wow check that doggo picture! It has like 70% meme material."