The most honest and loyal person you will ever meet, if you meet a Sarah Byrne you should get to know her because she will change ur life in a way you didn’t even know was possible , she’s laid back and gorgeous at the same time , she doesn’t care what people think of her and dresses and speaks for herself , if you start fighting with Sarah Byrne or make false accusations you must be mad because she could be a lawyer with the amount of skills she has on fighting back not to mention that strong right arm punch. She gives the best advice and she’s the best listener there is. Anyone who meets Sarah either wants to be her bestfriend or her boyfriend. Never let her down because she forgives but doesn’t forget.
i love you Sarah Byrne
A rather hilarious joke you tell when you encounter an awkward silence.
*Awkward silence.*
"Hey wanna hear a joke?"
"Yeah, sure"
"Sarah Palin!"
43👍 32👎
I hear Sarah Palin is a Maverick...And some speculate that she is an actual Woman. Bollocks.
55👍 404👎
Lemme see. Less than 2 years as a guv, and that makes Sarah qualified to be a Vice-President and maybe President of the U.S.A.. Her election loss shows that maybe some people are starting to use their heads and not their dicks. Just because some female looks good and strikes a pose with a fuck me honey look doesn't mean that she has a brain or good intentions.
Sarah Palin recently told the media to leave her children alone. Yet last fall she exploited them for her campaign (this "family values" crap - most politicians do this!), one of her daughters is a teen pregnancy case, her husband (or some other relative) possibly wanted Alaska to secede , on and on. I'm "pro-hunting" (and FYI, ex-Pres Bill Clinton hunts too) but it's wrong to kill animals if you don't utilize them for food, furs, etc. Killing caribou with a gat while hanging from a chopper is just plain reckless, wasteful, and stupid. She's in a fundamentalist cult that thinks mankind co-existed with the dinosaurs 4000 years ago. The Bible says that God doesn't work on OUR time or OUR calendars! Check out the science books. The Flintstones it ain't. They think that gay people can be "cured" of their sexual orientation (just ask a homosexual about that). She wants to allow oil drilling in the Arctic, never mind the Eskimos and polar bears. She's too dumb to believe in global warming. So many corrupt deeds, so many skeletons in the closet. Doesn't know that Africa is a continent. Bloggers call her "MILF", "GILF", "VPILF", oh WTF? She poses like Sharon Stone with her legs crossed but she's not holding a cigaret. John McCain is a decent, respectable war hero but he aligned himself with Christian Reich pukeheads who are not his friends. He was smart to disassociate himself apart from the violent white trash riff-raff who were at some of his rallies who were demanding that Obama be hung (they said he's a "terrorist" and an "Arab" (!)). Yet Sarah blabbed that "Obama is in cahoots with terrorists". She's a dumdum with no class. McCain might've been an alright President but he relied on the WRONG PEOPLE for support. Sarah is just a
Dumb girl! Dum dum dum
The girl is STUPID AS CAN BE!
Every time she flaps her yap, out comes the crap. Just like Ann Coulter. She's one real bad apple. She needs to STFU and go back to her cold igloo and stay!
John McCain is a Vietnam War HERO but Sarah Palin is an abosolute ZERO.
100👍 377👎
a eskimo turned politician who commonly uses her hand for political ideas. her major credential being she can see russia from her house. she says no more then a whiny teenage girl
doing the sarah palin: saying no
dude 1: wanna go to the movies?
dude 2: no
dude 1: want me to give you money?
dude 2: no way leftist!
dude 1: fuckin sarah palin
18👍 134👎
The fiance of Brendon Urie, vocalist for Panic! at the Disco and also one of the most attractive and talented people to walk this earth.
Many girls hate her simply because of the fact she is with Brendon instead of themselves. Others are happy for Brendon, but feel like she is the type of girl who uses guys for fame and fortune, AKA a gold digger.
She seems to be a really sweet girl who is also quite beautiful. Who knows? Maybe she's nothing like us Brendon fangirls make her out to be.
A lot of people can't pronounce nor spell her last name. Don't worry, I can't either.
The only reason I'm happy that Brendon Urie and Sarah Orzechowski are getting married is because I will finally be able to pronounce her name.
OMG Sarah why are you sooo beautiful gurl?!? I'm totes jealous!
112👍 97👎
John McBush's mind-bogglingly stupid VP running mate cynically chosen by Republican pollsters to attract angry Hillary Clintonites for no other reason than she also has a vagina.
CNN Interviewer: "Governor Palin, can you point out Iraq for us on a map?" Sarah Palin: "What's a map?"
62👍 455👎