Actually doesnt have a definition -or I dont know but I dont give a damn,who cares
Oh sis this Louis Vitton doesnt maket yolu an Alpha Female!
the leaders of the whole world, everyone must bow down and respect them, they run everyone’s like they are better than the alpha males
OMG it’s a REAL alpha females, i’m in the presence of a goddess. I want to be one of them one day.
“You’re really alpha female!”
“Really? I got it from wrldkailee on twitch”
aboslute fucking chad
Person1: have you seen Alpha Prima lately?
Person 2: Yeah he's as alpha as ever, and his fucking muscles oh my god hes so fucking hot omaigad
This is a gender that people who are generally at the top of society physically, economically, mentally, spiritually use to describe themselves.
These are people that help progress society to new heights.
Wow, turns out Elon Musk describes himself as Alpha Gender
Sentence used in League of Legends by the Master Yi main cowsep. Its used when you use the hability: Alpha strike to Dodge another hability but It stills hit you.
I was in Alpha but that skillshot still landed in me.
A Master Yi Q Alpha Strike Bug
'I was in alpha wtf riot fix it ' Cowsep