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feel bad

Also, feel bad about. Experience regret, sadness, embarrassment, or a similar unpleasant emotion. For example, I feel bad about not attending the funeral, or The teacher's scolding made Bobby feel bad.

I feel bad about what I said. Things haven't been easy for either of us.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 1, 2019

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bad out

adj. an 80's era expression meaning something good
syn. awesome, great, wicked

That pizza was totally bad out!

by Katipo November 3, 2006

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Bad Internet

your worst nightmare

I hate bad internet!

by YulTheWizard October 1, 2019

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Bad karma

Basically revenge but it's overkill

in hospital
person 1: hey why are you beaten up so badly and also bleeding?
person 2: I just shoved one guy who is subjectively stupid and he punched me like 100 times and battered me up with a trench mace
person 1: yeah that's bad karma

by DeltaPlayzYT April 29, 2021

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Bad Jazz

when something goes badly wrong istead of sayign Bad times or shite or sommat you say Bad Jazz


by SASSYL February 4, 2010

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bad fat

A girl with bad fat eats fast food every evening followed by a Ben&Jerry's. This contributes to bad fat which gives her a huge flat ass, hanging boobs, sticking out belly, and in the more severe cases a double chin.

These types of girls are bad catches and should be avoided, unless she is a friend of a hot girl of course...

T: Hey man, check out that girl's ass! I wish i could rip those jeans off and do her all night!

J: Nah man, that's bad fat... You don't want a sumo wrestler doing you all night do you?

T: Uh huh.. Then what's ..good fat hmm?

J: *Shows a picture of girlfriend on phone*

T: Whoah! Shit dude how'd you get a girl like that!? I mean, her body is perfect!

J: I've got my tricks ;)

by j96 December 27, 2011

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Bad bitch

A bad ass, real ass, cool ass, down ass, fine ass, loyal ass female.

Zakai always been a bad bitch. Period.

by Anonymous🀫 July 15, 2019

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