When you piss at an angle causing a whirlpool in the bowl, then mid-stream, switch angles causing the urine to come to a halt before drifting the other way. Commonly done when taking an absurdly long piss.
Sorry I took forever guys. I had to change the tide in there and got some splash back...
On September 30th all of our founding fathers came together under a meeting called by Samuel Adams to make a day in which all seats in any classroom, bus, airplane could be changed.
Brad, “hey happy national change seat day, want to take someone’s first class seat?” Terry, “aww heck yeah I can’t wait too”
Kissing ass to get you to let him get away with stealing my shit.
Hym "So, Trump, do these billionaires have rough tongues? Do you know? Did they use tongue when they 'changed their perspective on Trump?' I'm impressed actually. It must be hard to sit with all those hickeys on your ass."
derogatory nickname for women who are in relationships but throw themselves around every guy every time they go out, similarly to how you toss loose change seems to be tossed around
bo: “yo did you see how she was acting at railyard?”
jinkle: “yup typical loose change”
derogatory nickname for women who are in relationships but throw themselves around every guy every time they go out, similarly to how loose change is tossed around.
Bo: Yo did you see how she was acting at railyard last night?
Jinkle: Yup typical loose change
When you run with your arms barely moving. Typically, your arms are making a v shape and your palms are facing the ground. Your arms then swing side to side
Watch me do this Christian Chang.
To tell someone not to say things off-topic to throw someone off. Mainly told when someone is caught doing something bad.
"How are you suddenly walking fine after you recently just got a leg injury?"
"Isn't the sky so nice today?"
"Don't change the subject! How are you walking?"