A small town on the border of Arizona to California also know as Blythe California population of 10 home town of the campus crazy Alexis and Butch Wallace also know as the guy with a blunt in his mouth on his California ID.
Welcome to Trank city where you get high on meth just by smelling the air.
basically A place with a lady stipper who protects crunk kids with dem nipple tits.
man so many women in her its like crunk city
When you see a load of spiders
Well I ran out of my house to nope city
Like pound town but worse
Girl you got a ticket to pound city
You’re in Swerve City when someone you are potentially interested swerved on you because of your obvious weirdness. Also can say “swerve city: population 1” cuz it’s a lonely place cuz you’re the only one there.
Friend 1: what happened with that girl?
Friend 2: I told her I worked at Burger King.
Friend 1: homie, you’re in swerve city: population 1.
Friend 2: *cries*
Where drugs come from
Everyone here is a dirty bum
Fuck yall
Beecher city is the inbred bumfuck capital of America
Nickname for Fort Myers in Florida
Person: where is the city of palms park?
Other Person: florida