Someone who takes high risks or saves someone by taking a high risk. Normally only applies in the gaming area.
Sortaprogamermatt: BRO DAWSON PICKED ME UP! WHAT AN Epic Gamer
Muse A: "Hey did you know I'm an epic gamer?"
Muse B: "Oh my god so am I!"
To fail at a project so bad that you need to change your major.
You don't want to epic fail this drafting packet.
The term used to describe when someone makes a supreme ass of themselves as a result of failing at a reasonably simple task. Because an 'epic fail' is such an immense fail, these people are often labled "Fail Whales."
trying to impress his baby son, a dad blew bubbles in his Pepsi through a straw then without warning it erupted into a fizzy lava shooting out of his snout at 1000 miles an hour. Everyone in the restaraunt laughed including a teen who point at him and said "Epic Fail Dude"! laughing he then added "What a total Fail Whale"
Not being able to achieve the easiest task imaginable.
Its like someone asking you to do three push ups and you can't do one. -Epic Fail
"David come on man how do you manage to not do one push up, epic fail bro."
Used in the early 2000s when troll memes were popular, it is used to express great joy whilst also feeling somewhat sorry
"That was an epic fail!" He cried