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Fakest of the Fakes


WOW !!!! YOU'RE SO FAKEEEEEEE!!! The fakest of the fakes!

by ad247 January 2, 2019

Fake Artist

Someone that heavily abuses on generative AI art as a tool for the sake of making a quick buck out of commissions and nfts, while claiming to be "artists", when in fact, they did not.

Fake artist: I AM A TRUE ARTIST! "ArTiFiTiAL InTeLiGeNt ArT iS aN ArT TooL"
Realist: Using AI art generators does not make you an artist. Most of AI art generators rely on copyrighted content from any website to create one picture you did not create with your hands and mind.Not to mention that AI art cannot be copyrighted because AI relied in a uber of copyrighted pics to create a fake picture, neither it cannot be sold into nfts neither it is eligible in commissions, thus it is illegal to make AI art to get a quick buck while violating the copyright law.

by TheKamikazeMonkeys February 2, 2023

Fake bitchez

A girl that goes to bjh!

Did you see the fake bitchez at bjh today?

by I used 2 b friends with fake b December 16, 2018

Fake Awake

When you are running on straight up fumes and buttchugged energy drinks

Yeah bro, i'm feeling fake awake right now.

by Talbor August 9, 2020

Fake Buzz

When you fart in a way that it vibrates your whole entire pants, making you think you got a text on your phone that was on vibrate.

Jacob: Man I got a fake buzz after eating that cheeseburger.
Johny: I mean it doesn't hurt to check...

by Limber Pelvis October 21, 2014

Fake Frehley

A nickname for current Kiss lead guitarist Tommy Thayer, coined due to his unprecedented and arguably deceptive adoption of original lead guitarist Ace Frehley’s signature makeup and “persona” of “The Spaceman”.

Kiss uses Fake Frehley to trick casual fans into believing Ace is still in the band.

by Comic Sans Sucks November 5, 2022

fake blowie

When you take a funny picture with a friend of a pretend blow job, get a laugh, then get drunk, then smoke a bowl, and then get a real blow job from your friend and don’t tell any of your friends.

I can’t believe we did a fake blowie last night; your lips have chlamydia.

by SirDunnsalot July 2, 2021