Any type of pleasure that happens between the flaps or lips of the pussy. Whether it be rubbing, licking, or sticking, it's always good fun when you're between the flaps.
Annastasia had no idea how incredible it would be for her to experience multiple ways to have fun between the flaps and decided to not leave her bed until she was red raw.
someone you would hook up with but you wouldn't date
"oh ya shes fun to play with not to eat"
A reference to shrooms as they are a blue fungi. After being exposed to air, psilocin, an active chemical in shrooms, oxidizes and turns blue in color. This makes shrooms bluish in color.
“Did you meet the blue fun guy yesterday?”
“Yeah, and he sent me to the moon.”
when you cum inside a shot glass and dip your finger in it then into koolaid powder and eat it like candy
I came in a shot glass so i could make fun dip cum
A person, usually a significant other, who is often seen as the quasher of fun during what should be a fun day or night out.
Often referred to as an FPO.
I would be keen to go to this event and more than happy to leave the “Fun Prevention Officer” at home!
A porn magazine devoted to Asian porn.
"Yo I'm just going to fill up the wank bank with some Asian fanny fun