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that’s how we do it in mountain brook

what you say when you throw your iphone x on the ground for fun because you know your parents will buy you a new one.

“I just threw my new phone on the ground. That’s how we do it in mountain brook.”

by komocjfjrdjsj December 27, 2019

17👍 3👎

how do i top lesbians?

uttered by Captain Marvel’s Brie Larson to Valkyrie’s Tessa Thompson at the ACE Comic Con panel "Captain Marvel & Valkyrie: A Conversation with Brie Larson and Tessa Thompson"

"How do I top lesbians?"

"I’m sure the lesbians can show you after."

by RedRanger92 October 15, 2019

9👍 1👎

you know how i roll

The way you are or the path you choose

you know how i roll - you know thats what i do

by Gordon June 15, 2006

31👍 8👎

how to get a guy to talk to you

To get a guy to talk to you, let HIM make the first move. Make eye contact and SMILE! I like this guy Keagan... Hot as an oven cooking sizzlin' steak lemme tell ya. He has like brown curly ish hair and tan skin, he's about 5 9 maybe 5 10 which is not my ideal height ( I usually like taller guys) but the point being... You need to make eye contact, not too much to the point where he looks away first. You always have to look away FIRST. This case might be different when looking at your enemy, but he IS NOT. obviously lol. Anyways... While you are looking at each other, try to smile... I know its like kinda cheesy, but TRUST me. It freakin works every time. Ill let you know what happens with Keagan though. I'm still in the process... But with past guys, this is def the way to go. SO, make sure that you look in the mirror and smile maybe like the day before so that you know how to smile the right way and not look like a dork. Not that you do! I'm sure you're B-e-a-utiful inside and out! Ehem. Moving on... For dressing... Not the substance you put on salad but like clothes~ Whatever kind he wears: Sporty, emo, skater boy, bad boy, car geek, minecraft junkie, you dress accordingly with your, get this, shoes! But it can't look like nikes and a tennis skirt tho. Make sure it goes. Guys pay attention to your shoes. How do I know these meaningful messages you ask? Simple. my bsfs a guy. well, most of my friends are guys. also guys like eyeliner. k byeeeeee

Rando at bus stop: I need your cupid skills in the language of human canines!

Nora (me obvi): oh, honey. Imma hook you up like a teen gettin a two for one wendys deal.

How to get a guy to talk to you

by MissCupidofficial October 18, 2021

12👍 3👎

how many beers would it take?

a game popularized by Phil Hendrie.
You rate women based on how much alocohol/drugs it would take to fuck

pam anderson = 0 beers
your girlfriend = 10 beers
My girlfriend = 1/2 a keg
Hillary Clinton = heroin

by 420hitter December 4, 2002

130👍 49👎

Teaching his goldfish how to whistle

Another nice way to say masturbation without being so obvious.

"Where's (insert any name here) at?"

"He's in the backyard teaching his goldfish how to whistle."

by Alert The Press! May 2, 2006

32👍 9👎

i just find it funny how....

a girl says this when she wants to explain how she does NOT find something funny. if your texting a girl and she says this block her and move state.
99.99% of the time she does not find it funny

tyrone: hey olivia, hows your sick mother.
olivia: shes ok, i have to take care of her shes so annoying, i just find it funny how....
tyrone: *moves to a different state, nukes the current state he was in and blocks olivia in all the social media he has because he is dont with her shit*

by om telolet om March 14, 2018

22👍 4👎