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Jumping off your bunkbed

This symbolizes that when you are completely done with life you commit suicide by jumping off the most tallest thing known by mankind. This also links to when you find out something you didn't expect to happen.

Athea why are you jumping off your bunkbed?
Athea: Its mostly because how i got exposed on skype by Alisa

by Asiantechsupport October 28, 2019

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Neck Rope Jump

The act of fastening a rope, usually in a noose configuration, around one's neck from an elevated plane. They then proceed to jump, causing their entire body weight to be supported by the rope around their neck, crushing their windpipe and suffocating them. If done with enough force, and if the mass of the subject is high enough, the subjects neck will snap.

Person 1: Ur mum have the Big Gae
Person 2: Go commit Neck Rope Jump

by Pittaful November 1, 2018

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Jewish Jumping Beans

See also cum, sperm, or skeet.

I let my jewish jumping beans spill all over that bitches' cunt

by D Y L June 5, 2004

11πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Upside-Down Jumping Jizzbomb

Sex position including one male and one female partner. The male holds the female upside-down and sideways between his legs (creating almost a scissor-like leg position) and proceeds to jump up and down while simultaneously jamming his raging boner into either her anal or vaginal crease. The result is a massive jizzbomb, hence the name.

Man, can you believe Peggy let Bill do the Upside-Down Jumping Jizzbomb to her at the Christmas exchange? I heard they even let people photograph them. I don't blame them, that is one challenging move!

by WussGoodWitIT January 22, 2011

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

"High School Musical" Jump

A "High School Musical" Jump is a picture taken of someone while they have jumped and are in mid-air. It is inspired by the popular "High School Musical" movie posters of the cast members jumping in mid-air (hence the title).

Joe: Let's take a picture.

Alex: Let's make it of a "High School Musical" Jump!

Joe: Alright.

Alex: Okay...one...two...three...jump!

(As they jump and are in mid-air, the camera takes the picture.)

by gizmo19961 October 25, 2009

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

leap jump to super fuck

an especially tricky sexual move in which the male jumps as high as he can and lands squarely between the legs of a female partner while simultaneously inserting his penis into the vagina.

"i heard jordana likes it hard"
"then give her a leap jump to super fuck. she'll like that"

by ed the viking December 26, 2008

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

National jump in the cadillac day

Jump in the cadillac girl let’s put some miles on it

Man 1: Hey it’s national jump in the cadillac day
Man 2: National what day
Man 1: Jump in the cadillac

by Threeo December 13, 2021