Source Code

Mr Cameron

From putney high school, Mr Cameron is the Australian biology teacher all the Putney girls are head overs heels for. He is an average teacher but clearly above average somewhere else...his accent makes the girls swoon and his smile makes their legs buckle and skirts drop. Ngl bit of a melt but means well and tries his best at teaching a class of horny hormonal slutney high students. Pretty sure he’s married and has a daughter. Solid 8.

“Did you see Mr Cameron today, he’s a peng ting innit”
“I failed my bio test just so that I could see him after class
“Yeah he’s fit, but he’s no Mr Cameron”

by Iguessthisisiit March 27, 2019

16👍 10👎

Mrs. Carter

Mrs. Carter is a bitch teacher who works at Coppinville Jr. High and has a hart as black as her skin.

Fuck you Mrs. Carter

by don't suck my toes March 6, 2019

13👍 3👎

Mrs. White

a word describing a very bipolar person who seems to continousily P.M.S.ing

well dang, robert and chandler got in trouble again by another mrs. whiteISH person

by innocent student September 15, 2009

20👍 6👎

Mr. Lesbian

A prominent heterosexual male attracted to hot lesbian females. ie. 98% of the male population.

It's okay. Think of it as a loophole, I'm Mr. Lesbian so technically, you're still a lesbo.

by Thai M. October 13, 2005

34👍 12👎

mr. gruber

Noun. A man who seems to think that health is supposed to be a real class, who thinks he is the hottest shit in the world, and who thinks he is liked by people

Also... Verb. To be put into health class.
(to be grubered)

Mike: What do you have next period
Tim: I've got Mr. Gruber, damn it.
Mike: Hahahaha. You got Grubered

by Bingo Bango Champ October 2, 2010

54👍 21👎

Mr. Akai

"My name is Mr. Akai" is a code used by KKK klansmen tell other klansmen that they are also part of the KKK. It is an acronym for A klansman am I. It is used in response to the statement, "I am looking for Mr. Ayak."

A klansman walks into a bar and yells out "I am looking for a Mr. Ayak."

A fellow klansman responds, "My name is Mr. Akai."

Since their "secret code" is now on urbandictionary, a group of negroes hears them say this and they continue to beat the shit out of and/or rape the couple.

by bLiTcH December 25, 2007

56👍 22👎

Mr. Hull

A noun or verb

When used as a noun, it refers to Alex Hull, a pedophile teacher

When used as a verb, it refers to sexual actions (most likely blowjobs, and performed on a minor)

Yo, she just got Mr. Hulled!

Yo, did you hear Mr. Hull is out on bail?

by Чики брики September 8, 2018

10👍 2👎