a word that is slowly growing around london that mean “mums”other words “word” this big word “g mums” came from to little mandem called big TY and Little LH
“i say we cut”
“g mums let’s cut den”
Goes to beaches and gets d*ck. Then proceeds to get ice cream and gets pooped on by seagulls.
Dang Curtises mum is blowing off agaaaain!
racist af
doesn't want her daughter being a dark skin colour
person a: is that nishals Mum?
person b: white
She is a rubbish which gave less IQ and EQ.She talks much and she is very annoying.When Matthew Mak feels annoyed.She will 家暴 and hit Matthew Mak.And Matthew Mak almost die
Do not be Matthew Mak’s mum or you will hit people
A very strong character who does not stand for any nonsense. If you’re on your phone for any more than 5 minutes a day, then you may as well say bye to it for the rest of your life. Although she may seem mean, she is a lovely woman; however, her youngest daughter tests her patience. To everyone else, she is a pleasure to know and very pretty. She also tends to like tall, brown haired boys who get 29 commendations, but then again, who doesn’t?
“Oh no, it’s Freya’s Mum, better put my phone away!”