When you see the girl you like.
MAN1: Why do you always insist on hitting on girls who have boyfriends twice our size?
MAN2: I can't help the way I feel.
MAN2: When I see da bae. I go after da bae.
Hopping over on the white hot sand
here he come with some for me.
Taken freshly from banana tree.
banana man me want a ton.
Do you want a banana?
Peel it down and go mmm m mm mm mmm
Do you see banana man? (Do you want a banana)
this banana for you
When Optix#0170 sees any biological female, he instantly ejaculates no matter time, place, or anything.
This video is optix when see female.
1: A term used to jokingly evade having to answer any question.
2: A term used to jokingly refute someone's statement.
A: You're gay.
B: Well you see.
A: Counterstrike sucks.
B: Well you see.
“Ima see” is really just another way to say no.
Person 1: “Hey, you tryna go out this weekend??”
Person 2: “ Ima see”
Person 1: “Just say no damn”