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Carnivore Troll

Someone that sets up a video or posts on a forum that portrays a fictional or stereotypical opinion or character to trick other trolls into trolling them. Once a sufficient number of trolls have trolled the video or post, it is revealed that it was actually made up and the creator feasts on the helpless trolls.

troll #1: Hey did you see that retarded kid on that youtube video?? I trolled him sooo good!

troll #2: Dude, you do realise he was only faking it, right? He's not actually retarded...

troll #1: What a carnivore troll...

troll #3: Hey everyone: I HATE GAY PEOPLE.

troll #4: Amen to that, brother! I'm gonna go tell my 4 wives to spread the word!

troll #3: Not cool dude, gay people deserve respect.

troll #4: Damn carnivore Troll...

by horseyhorseydurr November 8, 2010

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Imposter Troll

A troll who tries to impersonate a celebrity or other well known people. This can range from celebrities or just famous people amongst a small community.

These people are often just annoying, they also have a tendency to make fun of the celebrity they are impersonating.

ImposterTroll: Hello everyone I am Brad Pit and I would like to tell how much all of you suck!

Unit7: Crap another Imposter Troll. :(

Bradpitluver44: OMG ITS BRAD PIT! WOOT!! MARRY ME?!?

Imposter Troll: Sure, I would love to be the father of your first born.

by Unit7 May 11, 2009

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roll troll

A person who leaves just enough toilet paper on the roll so that they don't have to change it (i.e. just a square), but it's never even close to being enough for the next person to use.

Yo, who's the roll troll? Can someone bring me another roll of TP?

by Allie85 February 22, 2011

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hookup troll

Someone who takes advantage of another who is naive sexually, usually meeting online first, then in real life.

That 40 year old cougar is a hookup troll, she met her 18 year old boyfriend online.

by Ultimus Magus March 15, 2022

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When one is trolled IRL in such a way that it could only have been done by an indigent. Having a volatile mixture of relatively unlimited free time and austere constraints on available resources, a creative hobo can produce the kind of hijinks that would leave an average citizen completely flummoxed, questioning the reality of what was just experienced.

JB: "A homeless man sat on our porch today. He recited a poem. Then we met him at the local bar. He ordered a slice of pizza. He followed us home and then tried to sell us a used bondage kit. He left it for us after we gave him 40ยข. What the fuck?"

X: "I think you're getting hobo-trolled."

by xenomouse October 4, 2012

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Troll Catalyst

A person who, in spite of their intentions, will act as a catalyst or "troll food" by calling out a troll in the act of trolling.

Person 1 aka The Troll: "I think The Beatles is totally overrated and utterly useless as musicians"

Person 2: "You gotta be kidding! The Beatles has created countless hits - more than any other bands! That alone is proof of their great achievements"

Person 3 in reply to Person 2: "Dude, dont be a troll catalyst! person 1 is obviously trolling - You're feeding the troll"

by MrMusicDK December 16, 2011

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Trolling Tomato

A troller who likes trolling till their face looks red as a tomato and they slaughter a village

Player 1: Hey, you look angry

Player 2: Because some black cunt trolled me

Player1: He must be a trolling Tomato

by RDM RDM RDM September 1, 2022

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